Have you noticed how calm this forum has become?

On this forum, I always visited only 2 sections - “general” and “PVP”. And topics so often were very toxic, and the answers in them were often toxic. But now, with the release of WOW Classic, this forum has become very calm. The topics have become more normal, the answers have become calmer, no aggression. Even in the PVP section, everything is calm now.

Even in the game, people have become different. Yesterday I was at Korrak’s Revenge and one mage just used time warp as if he decided to just joke and troll people. Someone asked, “Who did this?” and another guy showed evidence that it was a mage A. I expected that now they would call him bad words and ask to kick him, as usual. But no, nobody said, “let’s kick him.” The mage finally apologized and said that he did that by accident. And people replied “it’s okay. It happens.”

In the meantime, I go into the wow classic section and gods… There is continuous toxicity. Everything is saturated with it there. In general, it seems wow classic has cleaned retail from the “best” players.

Have you noticed that this forum has become less toxic?


Not sure…have you tried doing a normal bg? People can get pretty rude there still :smiley:


Classic allows less skilled players enjoy a way better social position
Master loot, simple mechanics, simple rotations and closed communities gives out more options for verbal abuse and fake elitism.
Its only natural all “predators” went there :slight_smile:


:joy: the forum has exploded with toxicity since we got a wow classic forum


The pvp forum only calmed down because the pvp-players that used to roamed there declared their departure from the game during the summer.

A bunch of the usual forumdwellers in GD also said their farewells at that time, and some just vanished without saying anything.

Classic forum is the place where some things happens right now, because a lot have returned because of this game.

But sometimes a real treat pops up in every section where people really unfold themselves, they get deleted fast. And a lot disputes are taken away from the forum and battled out places with no moderation.

I think I would call it more dead than calm, but it sure is nice we don’t have alle these negative post all the time


I dont really know about the toxicity if Classic because I still have to get out of Darnassus…

Utterly bored and never went back, that was over 3 months ago and even then I had to force myself.

Nothing to do with classic, it’s because people started to gain TL3 and gained the ability to post cow gifs and so learned to behave better, blizzard got their wish of a more friendly environment with the new forums…


Classic toxicity is mainly in dungeons & the forums, but you can find em while questing abit too

Yeah, but still it’s much better than before :)) Less “you f. noobs go play hello kitty” :smiley:

Only that one is half true because most people get away with no moderation whatsoever they are still here but as soon as I one time post something to vent about I get on Blizzards radar and i get vacation for a week and others just get away with it lol.

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I mean half the bad posts were caused by idiots like the OP fishing.

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Again half true because some of them have valid points.

I am not talking about this forum.

A lot of disputes are not on this forum, people left this and are having them other places.


That one is much clearly explained actually thanks.Wel yes that is correct it happens because some people just never change.

We on the same forums? Threads are littered with sarcastic and passive aggressive replies lol.


Apperently we are not but what would your ideal forum be like :thinking::thinking:?.

Congrats on level 3 mate :tada::tada::tada:.

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Retail toxic forum trolls attacking on classic forums, check it sometimes.

And vice versa.


Been like that since WoD/Legion.
Forums used to be more lively before.

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