Having unsatisfaying bgs on randoms

yes and no russian are good but met some horrbol met germans 2 but horrbol 2 fairness come down primal core like always hes been your are good or your not

you can win against both russian horde and alliance with 20% chance

still rendoms 50/50 never know this way guild good ting u heve comptent players intro them

80% ENG teams both horde and alliance are very bad , usually they dont get flag and try to dominate middle , while russian alliance caps flags and makes 2-0.

treu but cen u sey u never met bad russian groups ? all take some brain dont fight middel use chat call for inc wat ever

I won 1500-0 against russian horde on arathi basin on my eu alliance , but barely happens.

treu most time russian take lead follow germans mean players just salty but i will sey strong will suv this case russian and germans are winner

for now atleast

Russian horde and russian alliance win because they listen only 1 player entire bg.

I joined russian horde twin peaks on my shaman. They directly ask who will control the raid. I said I can , they gave me lead.

ofc u heve take lead but fairness eu team are bad moment players skill lvl are not there yet

many new players blabla u know drill

Try making a horde on blackrock german horde. I have a guild there and players have 3 hero of the horde ach on 3 different seasons and they have 6 gladiators on 6 different seasons.

They are good at pvp (blackrock german horde)

did def russian fairness ever 1 sey evil but theny prove skill over rest rebbel same ting germans bad 1 just get butt hurt cant win

Then get off your high horse and do ACTUAL Premade Battlegrounds instead of random BGs with your premades. Then we can all be happy.

already do did sey dont do rendom bg not wort my time

if there was premade win rates should be 100% , but ru win rates are 80%.

indeed 100 procent agree base on logic

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But he said Battlegrounds were getting boring and easy. So I was saying stop complaining and give yourself a challenge.

game boring moment treu

My friend played on eu wow during wod , he says when I was playing eng horde during wod , russian pugs were premade tier when you were fighting against pugs.