Heroic Darkshore Maiev is clearly bugged

At 60% she cast mass vengenance (or something similar) that works exactly like Cordanas wall, but you can actually see the wall. Problem is, there is no space anywhere. You cannot avoid it unless you go down to the enterance (she will evade then) and even one touch will kill 90% of the raid.

Also the lag inside the Warfront is unbearable.

She drops some glaives that you can kill ghosts with~ or something like that.


Use your utilities. You are mage - the most broken cancer class of all time. Just blink, turn to ice… whatever. I did it easily with my Rogue. Once I used Shadowstep on someone in save spot, second time I used Cloak and a Heal pot for third time. Then I repeated this process unti we defeated her. If you use your toolkit and spell properly - you simply cannot fail.

Someone is CLEARLY not good at guessing how a mechanic should be handled mid fight.

If only they would have worked.

You know why I don’t believe you?

Because you did not mention the glaive not working in your first post. You just said there was no way to avoid “Mass Vengeance” talking about no space to go through them and did not spend a word about glaive not working.

And to be clear, glaive do work. But of course you have to know what they do and actually throw them to make them work.

Rightfully so. But I strongly believe that at least 1 person would know how to handle that tactics. And for a fact I know that the gleaves were picked up, but I assumed that they were thrown at the boss.

nah your group is just dumb

Haha, what? I just ran through them when I did it this morning. It definitely doesn’t kill the raid, only if you stand in it instead of running through it will it kill you.

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