High heels/ skimpy outfits

dont forget the Revendreth NPC’s. they also wear high heels.


If that isn’t the Keldorei heritage armour, we riot!


Ok you got me, main NPC can have it. What I don’t want is wow to become anime type game, with mixed in woke ect. For that there are other games.

i hope so.

The void elf heritage armor is literally a shirtless guy and for female a bikini.

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That was superb evidence:d

My reply even got flagged asking what body 1 and 2 means :slight_smile:

im still waiting on maid outfit

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I honestly think they are too scared to give us it. This new puritanical approach is unfortunate for those of us who aren’t complete prudes.

To me it’s an over reaction to turn women into fruit, I think it sends a bad message about women. I think the other painting being updated was a much better approach. At the end of the day none of those changes matter that much but I do hope they’ll relax going forward.


I have a somewhat related story.

In Legion me and my significant other joined a causal raiding guild. She is the type of person who almost exclusively wears skimpy mogs and the other woman in this guild (the GM’s GF) would send her some really nasty PM’s on Discord pretty much daily. Berating her for “not covering up”. We left the guild after just a few days when it became apparent this wouldn’t stop.


It’s not always women who object, I had a male officer in a previous guild who made remarks about the xmas mog I was wearing. It’s just the standard in game one. Bad pixels these days and needs a facelift.


If they wanna be SJW and make skimpy mogs, it’s literally so EASY: Just make the body types more realistic (optional Stretch marks, etc), and let all genders equip anything they want

This is a comission i had 2 weeks ago.

its the Ahn Qiraj robe, but with better graphics, as the robe is from Vanilla/classic wow.


Artist: buyansanjaart


Personally I’d be happy if we could transmog the lovely dresses outside of the event.


would be great too, but then the graphics…

-white noise-

That’s true of so many event costume items. It’s such a weird thing to tie them down to short periods of time.

I am all for equal opportunity sexy. Blizz should feel free to bring in new hotness, as long as it is equally revealling on both female and male characters. Dresses, tank tops, crop tops, they are all good, for as long as they are like that for everyone (this is an issue I had with a lot of the vanilla-wrath design, they were skewed skimpy rather than equal opportunity)

They should even bring in line the male tops that are topless that have a bra/bikini top on female versions, by either adding more chest coverage to male ones, or removing them from female ones. However unlikely the latter is because it would run afoul of rating (which is… dumb)

I vaguely remember them saying they intended to make looks equal but I worry that means coverups for all rather than including skimpy options for men.


Bobby please no.

please yes!

or i will hide my chest piece revealing my bikini. I will do this even in dungeons.