High heels/ skimpy outfits

This is the direction they should go imo. As I’ve said before, I appreciated the male courtesans being added to Karazhan far more than I did them turning women into fruit.

A friend of mine went through a phase of turning up to raids on his male panda almost entirely naked (as you can be in WoW) save for a pirate hat and boots and it was absolutely hilarious.


It’s the only way. And you don’t even have to take one of the Korean games. FF14, with all the limitations the glamour system has, is still outrageously fun with regards to your clothing/armour options. And it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female - one of my FC’s officers (male Highlander) would turn up to raids in his signature colour matched thong, thigh highs and wizard hat outfit. That was a glorious man! Had a catboi who would often glam it up to rival the girls’ seductive outfits.

It would be wrong to say no one cared, because we cared a lot, but in a positive way. Your glam was part of your self expression and people were genuinely happy when they found a new piece they could work with. Sproutlings would stop doing the MSQ to run off on side adventures because there was new glam to be had.

And this is what bothers me most. Blizzard are shooting themselves in the foot with regards to player motivation IMO. They had the right idea when they started addding transmog options to Torghast, as transmogs are a huge motivator for a lot of people to do content. However, most of the transmogs in SL suuuuuuuuuck. There are only so many spikes and skulls in varying shades of grey I can stomach. The “grim and dark knight of the grimdark” demographic has ben well catered to by now, can we have some more fun and colourful transmogs please? It’s such a shame that you have to go back 15 years to get pieces that don’t look like they’ve been dragged through the mud a couple of times.


This is spot on :slight_smile:


:white_check_mark: :100:

I would quite like to see more variation in shirt tops, as most of the ones we have are a bit boring imo.

I use the below shirt when wanting to show off demon tattoos. (Would love more colour options).

It is Free T shirt day on 16th August, so maybe an opportunity ? :tshirt: :running_shirt_with_sash:

Ripped shirts for Worgen, Druids and Orcs… Rawrrrr ! :wolf: :bear:

Maybe have the neckline ripped a lot more and hanging down a bit, whilst strategic places are still covered.

Damaged, broken armour with bits missing could also be interesting. Maybe the RP community could also benefit from this ?

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I think TBC was the last expansion where we had those types of mogs being a normal thing, I would also like more variation.

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I think that would be nice and not that much work as you don’t have to worry about 3D textures or clipping.

I personally really like the lumberjack shirts :slightly_smiling_face:


Not gonna happen because Blizzard hates sex, hates fun and hates you.

Not a hyperbole, no exaggeration.

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And the censorship that blizzard did just confirms this. Do you remember how they calmed down when the censorship started that they would not remove the older tmogs? Now you can’t be so sure.

i love shirts

i am currently wearing the Gild’s crewneck


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Hey bad boy, you can borrow my outfit ok? You wanna dress all girly then good for you. It’s fun to be different.

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Please! You are HOT! :kissing_heart:

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thank you (someone with TL3 help


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Because this aint a tread for that go to other tread or create one of your own

Yes definitely, more revealing better looking outfits please!

personally i prefer my characters to wear functional armors rather then whatever the op wants if you want that kind of gear there a bunch of sexist asian mmos waiting for you :stuck_out_tongue:

dont see how FF14 is sexist when BOTH men and women can wear skimpy outfits.

you prefer that for YOUR character, i dont. Everyone is free to wear whatever they like.

there are many women who want more revealing outfits and use them.


90 % of ff 14’s armor sets aren’t skimpy or sexy so unless your one of those tos breaking scumbags there are very few armors that forfills that quota