High heels/ skimpy outfits

where do you pull this number from :joy: they literally have more skimpy outfits than wow does. also modern clothing as well, and transmog dyes on top of all that.

not just for women, for men too. again, where is the sexist part. FF14 did it right :white_check_mark:

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i pulled it from my brain as someone who has played since 1.0 and know you have to go out of your way to find armors that remotely compare to the crapstic era armors

im gonna agree to disagree and call it a day.

i respect your opinion, but i dont really agree.

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The problem is Ariana is perfect, she is the most super cute girl ever and she got the most wonderful body ever created.

She can wear everything and even trash clothes but she will still be adorable and wonderful.

But I think they removed the possibility of clothes you ask for cause of feminism things in USA, for example in Japan especially in anime like one piece you can see girls super sexy and not being an issue but it’s more a culture issue I guess.

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There are never enough outfits.
Some of us would like more skimpy ones.
Some of use would like some more realistic ones
It is too bad that Blizzard does not look for ways to expand the outfits outside of the expansion themes.

That is big true, esp. given the texture quality of what we have is from another era now.

I am a 1.0 player aswell and well all I need to say is Dancer AF gear?

https: //i. imgur. com/3tCfs50.png

I hate the ability to not be able to post pics.


I am sure that a lot of players would be thrilled to get some weapons/armors of realistic shapes and proportions and textures for a change as a side-game

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dancer gear is not even as remotely bad as crapstic gear i’d post some screen shot but alas ever since lizzard decided to kill the old forum for this sub pair piece of crap forum no one but a few can :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats besides the point, what people are asking for are more tasteful skin bearing outfits and tbh it’s rude of Blizz to outright dismiss that request without a valid excuse.

Well, Japan has a problem, and frankly at this point it seems like society is willing to do ANYTHING to get the sexes more interested in each other, and it appears to be working but very slowly.

So Japanese art is special right now. Best ignore it. x’D

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my home nation’s problem has never been interest its the cost of raising a family and until the government understand that the projections for the future of japan looks grim

I’m all for more transmog and more variation.

Not quite into the whole skimpy thing, but I’m not into the whole over-the-top-I’m-dressed-as-a-monster look either. So yeah… Whatever. More variation is good.

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Same here. Getting a child can be economically ruinous. The government does help though.

EDIT: Also, nothing beats China on this problem. I think they were recently down to nearly 1 child per woman. If that continues then, over the next 40-50 years, China will shrink down to like 700 million people.

I’m not quite a degenerate but thanks for showing how intolerant you are of others tastes in clothing.

Your points are moot.

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wish we live in a world where people dont throw shady comments about what people WANT to wear, especially in a fantasy video game.

Cant wait for the Night elf heritage armor. they are known to be a skimpy race (both men and women) as BFA showed.

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I’m sure it will be anyday now … SOON ™

flagged. calling people perverts because they want more revealing outfits for their characters is unaccetable.

i rarely use the flag button. but i used it now.


I’m with you on his one
:fist: :fox_face: