High heels/ skimpy outfits

pretty sure that’s a abuse of the flag button and honestly if it was moderated you’d get in trouble

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It’s inflammatory and upsetting. They could’ve said it in a better way

Speaking of variety, I’m badly envious of the gear NPCs get to wear. I want caster robes like what Jaina has :<

FFXIV spoiled me, textures and clunky chestplates are no longer enough for me.


the more outfits, the better.

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Indeed, bring on the transmog rewards,ones that are not just zone/expansion/holiday themed!

100% I love that in FFXIV I can have Lyse’s gear from Stormblood, but here in WoW all we get are ugly sets (some sets are not ugly and look badass but they are few and far between) and potato sacks for robes.

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took a while before yoshi p would let people get it even though it was requested for years also some outfits don’t even come with the hairstyles … if i’m going to pay real $$$ for something it should include all parts

Showing more skin does not mean it seeks to be more perverted.

Firstly it depends on what skin is shown, and secondly it depends on why skin is shown. For instance a swimsuit shows a lot of skin, notably the entirety of all 4 limbs, but it’s clearly not sexual in any way, but there are many long-sleeved dresses that are quite lewd but show far less skin.

I’m just tired of my character looking like she’s got 6 layers of clothing on, which is why I picked this transmog for a change. It looks nice and isn’t sexual, but it does show quite a bit of skin… or… well, fur in this case, but you get my drift.

EDIT: One thing I’d like is some short sleeves. That’d be fun.


i dunno i remember going into legion and seeing those aspirants with their none midrift dragonsoul paladin armor and being super jelly :stuck_out_tongue: heck the stab me in the gut window of the FF 14 ARR Dragoon armor irks me to this day look it’s fine if you want to make that sort of stuff optional but if its your only option its terrible

Lyse outfit did come with the hairstyle, I was threatening to scalp Lyse ever since I first saw it.

It’s a fantasy game, you know… real life shouldn’t interfere with fantasy tropes.

Wow in EU isn’t targeted at very conservative archaic societies, that forbid gays in their law, and have men, that force women to hide everything.
In EU it’s not “perverted” to wear skimpy cloths at all. Everyone can wear what they want, and I think in wow, we should also have more options to express ourselves as we do in real life, since it’s a MMO at its core in the end regardless of how hard certain devs tried to turn it into a new failed esport

eu’s fashion don’t matter blizzard is a american company their fashion sense will be a reflection of the nation they operate in and as a i mention thier currently in a lawsuit about sexual misconduct

so it would be pretty tone deaf of them to release skimpy outfits now

there are many characters in wow who are dressed to show some skin, and they look amazing!

  • Azshara
  • Thalyssra
  • Valeera Sanguinar (cant spell her last name :roll_eyes: )

The night elf men are also dressed sexy in BFA.

nothing wrong with that. Everyone is free to wear whatever they like.

what makes something perverted is using these outfits as a way to catfish someone in Goldshire.

context matters


No, it wouldn’t, because there is no relation between those 2 things

blizzard seem to think there is after all just look at all the fruitbowls they made :smiley:

No, that’s different. Those pictures were created by the people doing the bad stuff, and that’s why they hid it along with their npcs.
Also: The decision, to hide those, were a panic thing aswell, that was probably decided by very few guys. If skimpy mogs were that problematic, they would have also removed the current ones from the game already

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These are all deliberately sexy outfits rather than just showing skin, but yeah - WoW also is known for big hulks with no chest armour and dainty warrior women. And then there’s Naga - they are literally naked and their radically dimorphic cursed builds even limited their choice of class, with females being weak but intelligent and males being complete idiot brutes.

But I’d just like some regular clothes lol. Just give me a short-sleeved shirt x’D Shouldn’t be any more controversial than the glasses, which btw are amazing. Too bad the maker of those left - she was a gift to this game.

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You can always wear the ultimate normal outfit … the Twill outfit it still half decent after all this years too