High heels/ skimpy outfits

That’s mail.

it’s cloth

Sorry, but you don’t get to decide, what others want. Blizzard will just do things, that they see people ask for, and that’s it regardless of you trying to belittle others

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Only they gray version? And you can’t transmog grays.

Anyway, I don’t intend to use it, and it’s still got no short sleeves! D:

You will be able to soon iirc.

Alright, fair enough. It’s indeed listed on WoWHead but not the set I was looking at for some reason.

Anyway… nah. :stuck_out_tongue:

It sortta has the look I’m going for but it’s got really cruddy textures and I don’t like brown.

seems to be the common trend of the forums these days.

makes me almost regret making the thread, almost.

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you seem to take offense where there is none i’m merely saying i don’t see blizzard putting in given their recent scandal

Ill be forced to play human thus cosplaying Billy or Van :smiling_face_with_tear:

You aren’t in a position to judge that though. It’s also insulting to make a relation between those 2 things

A friend has one of these, I can’t remember the exact recolour but they do treat both sexes more equally than wow does

Most of my experience of Final Fantasy has been that people love to have lots of glamours, they dress up to lots of different themes and plenty like to have skimpy outfits on, others ofc like to have full armour sets. That is the same for any game. People dress their characters in a way they think is more suitable. Like some will like fancy outfits and others will like more simple attire.


As a christian man, Unfortunately I disagree with anything skimpy.

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Religion has caused enough grief around the world, points to America Religion should have no grounds here.


honestly, this is what ive been saying. All games have the choice, but with wow its outfits from 15 years ago.

i wish people can argue about this like mature adults. Calling the other side negetive words and trying to belittle them is not the way to do it.

i am now afraid to wear the Ahn Qiraj robes in-game, as i might be bullied.

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and i as christian gives rats about what others wanna wear. skimpy or something else whatever they prefer.
better stay inside aslong its summertime or you would get an heart attack just by walking arround


You should be free to express yourself however you choose, Do what you want and those who are horrible to you just report and ignore them.


Thank you Alleria.

Thats why my favorite windrunner sister. :+1:


Naw, use them! They’re awesome and nobody should have a say in what you’re able to wear

Sadly most of the people working on WoW are afraid of the female anatomy. The chances of getting sl*tmogs similar to classic / tbc are slim to none. We just have to live with the 2004-2006 era textures.