High heels/ skimpy outfits

or you know they could trash this beta forum and go back to the superior forum that they buried in some weak attempt at burying their past crimes

If you think Iā€™m not active enough to get TL3


actually no i donā€™t think you are puny the requirments are way higher then your activity :stuck_out_tongue: but you can always prove me wrong but having blizz strip you of your t3 and re-earning it :wink:

She said it a few days ago that whenever she has some downtime, she browses the forums :sweat_smile:

Thatā€™s what I said, yes, just with a small buffer, since some posters get buried by altflags and banned just because they said their opinion, even if it isnā€™t against ToS - a mistake can be forgiven imo :smile: (of course, this is rare)

I do fear we are getting a little off topic though with TL discussions and thatā€™s not really fair.

This is an artist known as Schneissy (does amazing work)


is based on

Now I donā€™t expect Blizzard to be able to dupclicate that completely but you see lots of looks like that in other MMOs. Cleavage and Thigh on show.

This is a post from the US forums shows all we have in WoW, it just needs a facelift or new things adding to the game that are similar but with new modern looks.


I replied to the wrong person, my bad.

True that, I kinda derailed the thread here, sorry :sweat_smile:

And this artwork looks amazing! Iā€™m certain Iā€™ve seen some other commissions from her, but not sure where, maybe I have a few on phone, gonna check later.

itā€™s happens i was mostly just pulling your leg anyway :stuck_out_tongue: you know i love messing with youā€¦

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I want latex catsuit for my upcoming tauren rogue. :joy:


I put my pandaren female in the leather set from Wailing Cavern, looked so awful it was comical.

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There is also a website


Try the Gallery

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Thanks Puny :grin: checked my phone, and donā€™t have any saved artwork from her.

ā€¦yet. :smile:

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My favorite armor piece is by far this leather chest.

At some point in time, i hope they add something like that for every armor.

Or make leather moggable for all


Or I fear theyā€™ll add some modesty panel

Edit: have two actually. The belf paladin at the top of the home page with a golden crown, and a void elf casually laying down, 3 rows below the previous one. Sheā€™s in purple mostly, or a shade of it.

Used to have both as wallpapers. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

That is highly distracting I gotta say :sweat_smile: I mean, I hope you get your wish :wink:

I love some of the outfits she has reworked in her art, itā€™s gorgous, we really need some designs like this in-game, cmon Blizz give us tasteful gear.

Remeber Futurama where modesty panels were the clothes? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think getting TL3 is alright, I wouldnā€™t even mind having it being harder to get if they also made it easier to keep. Ideally it should only be lost upon disciplinary actions, or maybe a very long leave.


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