Higher CR increase pr RBG win, please!

So, you use 15-45 minutes to gather a team for Rbg and plays a game that lasts 15 minutes. If you win, you get 8-14 CR for that, same the other way if you loose, tho in my experience you loose more that you get - in arena its the same.
We are some players that are dedicated to RBGs, but it gets fristrating in the long run- why dont we get more CR pr win? - You get the same for an arena match that lasts 1-3 minutes, and its weird to me… in some way I think the reward should match the time spent, so you would get maybe 20 or 40 cr for each RBG victory… AND to stop the annoying boosters, I think Blizzard should make it so you cant go below certain numbers again in… this month fx, so when you have reached 1500 cr, even if you loose you cant go below that again - do that please, make RBGs worth the time


Agreed with this. It doesn’t even come CLOSE to the time investment in forming and playing RBGs compared to arenas, When you reach the 1500s you need about 7-8 wins (assuming you get 12-13 at the very LEAST) which each match also takes about 15-20 minutes, so you’re looking at the very minimum of nearly 2 hours just to get 100 rating assuming you win every one of them, while in arena you get the same amount in less time. Sure, some may say you get more honor and conquest from RBGs, but it becomes useless when you cap cause you need to get 1600 for the next upgrade.


Sad that this got no response…this is really underrated and should have some light shed upon it. The whole situation reminds me of pre 7.2 I think it was when Maw of Souls gave the same amount of AP as Halls of Valor, sure they might be PvE but time investment and effort are not comparable, when you can run MoS in 10 minutes vs Halls or Darkheart in 20 minutes, it just comes not fair

at 1500 raiting i lose 14 and get 7/8 per win what is dez fix blizzard

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Would love to see a blue response on this. I’m leading weekly RBG guild groups and the interest is dwindling, because it is too just hard to get to 1600. Last week I started off at around 1480 and ended up at just 1540 after winning 7 out of 8 matches. Players are stuck at 4/9 conquest gear and maxed out in honor points after weeks of regularly playing rated battleground matches. In comparison, the previous PVP season was much better with respect to progressing and gearing.


Yesterday: 4 games, 2 wins, 2 losses. Net rating gain: -6. What is even the point of doing RBG anymore?

I agree, this rating gain/lose ratio makes no sense

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