Highest rated frostmage EU answering questions about how to succed with the frost spec

Highest rated frostmage EU answering questions about how to succeed with frost.

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  • What comps do you usually use your Frost Mage in?

  • Do you play as a main damage dealer or you focus on providing crowd control and peel for your team?

  • Do you feel like you’re putting yourself at disadvantage by playing Frost and not abusing Fire?

  • What do you struggle with the most in PVP as Frost Mage?

  • Any general advice you can give to anyone starting PVP as Frost?

-Pref double caster. I like ele+frost + heal but rmp can also work

  • Peal/CC is main goal and make the setup happen, you are a support player
  • I played frost whole bfa and like it more and dont think its worse than fire in the right comp.
  • Trained by 2 melees it can be hard to land cc, but its same with fire
  • Start with 2s since its not as fast game play. In 2s you can practise key macros such as polymoprh/interrupt focus targe tand practise dmg rotation on your target. When you get a hang of it you can start doing 3s but it will be harder and a lot more fast phased.

Make sure you know the basics before you enter arena at all as frost since it has high skill cap and if you dont know the basics it will be very hard to win vs melee who will just zug zug zerg you.


What talent setup do you play? (including pvp talents)
What conduits do you use?



Pvp talents: Deep shatter, place orb, 15 reduced crit.

Conduits: Ice lance dmg, orb dmg

Do you have a stream or Videos i am looking for gameplay Videos

also, what’s your cove?

How do you use Mirror of Torments in general and vs certain comps? Is there a diff in the way you use it vs caster or meleecleaves? Also what comps do your advise to run in 2s?

Hahahaha you caught him red handed.

He actually plays fire.

He’s a troll and have been doing this for months, only to get desparate Arcane and frost mages to show up for him to laugh at em.

I run venthyr.

Use mirror of torment as first global after u land sheep to generate brain freeze proces during the cc for more damage.

I like the conduit that increase spell dmg after each tick of mirrors of torment.

Also learn how to use ray of frost like this to oneshot:


What comp would you run as arcane in 2s, and which double dps is viable for both specs outside rog which i find too hard to setup with randoms? Was thinking sp,ret,boomy. You think venthyr will be best for arcane too with torment giving clearcast procs in 9.0.5?

What’s your favourite colour?

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Is Hawaiian pizza acceptable or not?

Do you have any pve advice for frost?

Easy. ALWAYS look for items with more primary stat. Then go for crit>haste>mastery>versatility.

If you are into raids mostly and M+ go for Venthyr. If you are into M+ go for Necro or Kyrian if you are into PvP. If you are into both M+ and PvP go Kyrian it works good in both.

If your stats are low on crit arround 15-20% use frozen touch. If you are above 20% use chain reaction. Other talents are lonely winter, shimmer, rune of power, splitting ice and Thermal void.

Your average dps rotation should be frostbolt untill procs, use procs, always double icelance after BF and always use BF on proc. On AoE you should always go RoP into frozen orb > Blizzard > spam icelances and refresh blizzard on CD.

I am mainly doing raiding, so this is useful to me. Have gone Venthyr today, after swapping from Night Fae, as I do not find fire agreeable. Mostly because of the jumping to avoid hard casts of pyro.

Nice to see that we (frost mages) are growing in numbers :slight_smile:

On a side note when you are using Icy veins try to line up frozen orb and after frozen orb is on cd use your mirrors of torment so you get maximum procs for Thermal Void.
Generally avoid using frozen orb on top of MoT.

  • Why nova instead of lonely winter ?
  • How do you optimize shatter ?
  • What’s your perfect setup for ray of frost ?
  • I’m not too sure about it but Netherwind Armor works as “Enemy crits you, there’s a roll with 15% chance to ‘uncrit’ it” ? looks quite weak too me (can you swap this with frostbite ? or did it help too much on survivability)

I use nova because its more control to be able to root enemies 2 sec on demand. You can stop monk roll / warrior charges.Also its a way to shatter your frostbolt for on demand damage.

4 ways to shatter:

flurry proc
with pet nova
with ice nova
with frost nova (spam it when they are close while casting frostbolt).

Practise all 4 ways since this is how you build consistent damage.

You only wanna use ray of frost when they cant interrupt you, or want to escape around a corner. Example below:


You can indeed swap the netherwind armor, but it is actually a really good defensive, you will take around 5-7% overall less damage each game due to this talent if you do the math.
