Holy paladin Damage pvp/pve wise

I want to try healing with holy paladin and i always enjoy to being able to do good damage with healer. For example with resto shaman i am able to do so much damage when i have time to do so that makes the spec so fun for me. But i want to try something new also.
How is it with holy paladin ? With judgments, shocks, hammers, consecration, crusader strikes etc.

Hpalas and dps are two completely separate things. You wanna dps? Stick to shaman.

IF you want to do damage as hpala, you have 2 options:

  1. wait for rework and see how the damage profile will look like.

  2. Play rshaman or stay with druid.

if you enjoy passive healing while doing damage, monk could also be a viable option.
but as things stand right now on live, your abilities hit like wet noodle and mainly used for generation purposes.

Hpala used to do good dmg in pvp back in the days, you could play “shockadin”. I would Go holy if this was an option as it was lot of fun, even managed like 1,9k rating with it in 2s :smiley:

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