Honor not updating - Tuesday 11.2

ye tell me about it rofl

Relax and breath. It’s in the Database.

Unusually, ZT seems to have the issue too. Only been in one bg this evening and it’s showing the number of HKs as a total combined with yesterday. It’ll get sorted but shouldn’t be happening so frequently.

Last time this happened at the end of Phase 2 and the last 2 days of honor didn’t count. So if you have a Bracket 1 spot and you are late to cap I am afraid to say that you will likely end up loosing rank points.

Blizz don’t care, it means you will have to play more and that means Blizz makes more money.

Last time this happened was last Wednesday at some Realms. We didnt get the Honor reset and no weekly reset. At about 2am on Thursday the reset went live and all was correctly awarded. Today our honor reset was right, but I think we will have issues tommorrow again, but we will likely get the weekly reset at 2am Thursday again.
FYI: the honor from tuesday wasnt shown on wednesday, but we got all correctly awarded at the delayed weekly honor reset. they had all datas in the database.

Golemagg updated in past 30 minutes.

Monday’s honor is now showing correctly for me on earthshaker, but the honor for tuesday is nowhere to be seen.

Honor was well displayed before shutdown.

We have actively been resolving this issue for the affected realms and the updated numbers should be showing up after a re-log.

Today is showing zero, while yesterday is only showing the honor from Monday. I assume the honor gained on Tuesday will be included correctly in the weekly calculation?

A big chunk of my kills are missing. I had around 1.1k kills, now it says 800

I’m missing 650+ HKs and 65 000+ honor from today, even after a relog. Are you certain there will be no discrepancies, Blizzard? (I have screenshots of the detail before/after.)

Im like 90% sure todays honor is just gone :>

It happened before so my estimated guess is Blizzard will just ignore and forget once again. And I’ll spend another 16 hours-a-day-week redoing this torture we call PVP, while I was supposed to be finished today. And so will we all. And Blizzard will be laughing all the way to the bank… :frowning:

yeh I think I made over 120k honor today, but currently it shows as 20 hks 0 honor :X

Ok Earthsaker here , now 6:27AM Wednesday it is saying 0 kills / 0 honor for today cause i logged off around 22:00 on Tuesday and havent played since. My y-day kills are 500 minus from wyhat they were combined before i logout and im awarded the honor from monday and the kills from monday. But the kills and the honor from Tuesday are nowhere . Not on today’s tab not on y-day’s one and not added to the weekly tab. Missing around 50k honor , its not much i know but as a horde that plays solo AV … its just 1 day worth of honor and its stupid really :S

Honor from monday is showing as yesterdays honor. All honor from yesterday is gone. Fix it!!!

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Todays honor seems to be just a display issue, as yesterdays honor was updated correctly.

no honor and kills for yesterday on firemaw

Issue still remains on golemagg. Missing 50k+ honor from monday or yesterday.