Honor Rate Nerf - Please give a blue post

Which ones ?

Player ranks and the honor they grant when killed.

You mean, like here :

When he get “only” 4 honor when killing a knight ?

Diminishing returns were a thing in original prepatch.

Champion giving 32 honor. Shadow priest applying misery means this is after the launch of prepatch.

This is interesting. So we are having a 2.4.3 TBC pre-patch (as expected)

You can’t get 32 honor points anymore right now ? By doing a 1v1 vs a Champion ?

No, everyone is considered a private/scout…

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No. Thats the thing you dont get. Many ppl aimed for that because it was reachable because blizzard made it like this. And when 99% of playerbase were enjoying it they decided to change it. And thats what killed fun. Because it wasnt just my expirience, it was everybodys who were enjoying that night, which made atmosphere of joy and fun.

Probably play just normal. But they arent correct after the nerf anyway because no matter what rank of a player you kill even solo you still get like 3 honor points.

And once again. Prepatch is much shorter so honor gain should be bigger anyway. And what is most depressing is reaction time yesterday and today.

Dont get me wrong. I do want x10 honor because it was fun but at the same time I realize it was too much and I agree it shouldnt be like this. Today they increased honor gain x2 because of shorter prepatch which Im happy about. Maybe its not accurat but its always smth.


Yeah its still low. But x2 together with AB weekend will result in fast ques and much honor from the game like 800 or smth so thats a good way to push if you want to score some honor ;d

The problem is not the 0x2 or 2x2 the problem is Blizard listening to some random guy, instead looking at their own patch notes and fixing it acordingly. This “sfhix” is still not near the values from the original TBC prepatch. Simply x10Honor Andy.
The Andy Crusade

Completly agree.

pls :frowning:

X2 is clearly enought god.

Just because you experienced an huge bug doesn’t mean they must put it back

It’s like a kindergarten solution to a complex mathematical problem…


Instead of just looking at their own numbers and fixing the issue.

Agreed. They should “rollback” the bug tho, as in the players who played the first day shouldnt keep their insane amounts of honor. The players who got an insane honor advantage is just not fair to the rest of us.

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Talking about efficiency while doing something that is absolutely not fun?
What about min/maxing the fun you have during your free time?
Why do you play the game? ^^


Bump. Fix HK honor gain please.


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