Horde character transfers to Mograine locked?

we dont want you wannabe heros on mograine, its almost mono and i dont want that you make 90 10 to 99 1

this is alliance’s fault lmao, faction is terrrible at world pvp so they run the moment its 51 49

Is this a temporary thing? pretty much everyone i play this game with got stuck on gehennas while waiting in a huge queue. would like to see a response on what is being done about this

I’m pretty sure all servers that are locked, will stya for for at least a few months

Server is not locked in the realm list nor have they announced it as such. Just yesterday I was able to transfer 1 of my characters. However, as I was transferring my alts it became unavailable for some reason.


Is this actually a thing or just one player having a bug with transfers?

Yeah heard this somewhere… Oh yes Firemaw Horde, Earthshaker Horde before that, Also SoM Horde and Thekal Horde. Progression realms simply have more Horde (must confess even I got troll mage and priest alts) due to that trend started in 2019 by retail tourists that arrive at every expansion beginning.

Blizzard was forced to give you HvH on BGs, but in reality they should have had given HvH (or AvA) in wPvP on every server that faction has 60%+ population.

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Well its a great server with just enough people right now.

HvH existed because Alliance didn’t queue up. Either dog players or not enough that care. Either way, sad faction. Purely PVE servers and RP… lmao…

Hah! There wasn’t much Aliiance to begin with, ecause of all these TBC arena reroll into Orcs and Undead. Glad that they are finally nerfed and yeah serious PvPers reroll to humans now.

Same thing happened to me and two of my friends… I’m speechless. Two of us transferred during the day without trouble. But the last one of us comes home late, and he couldn’t transfer… The blue post for blocking transfers to Mograine is only from 5 hours ago… and Mograine is not accepting transfers for more than 12 hours now.

How can you do something like this without communicating it first? And why not give people enough time to adjust? When the glitch transfer to Gehennas happened, Blizzard explicitly stated that they will leave it open for another couple of days so that players can adjust… But not now?

Not only do we have to pay 25 per character to enjoy a sub-optimal experience, but we can’t even play together because of your incompetence in handling the server situation.

You fell for the blizzard trick.
They give you long queues and now you even dont have friends left to play.

Have fun starting as lvl 1.
Ill take my queu for granted and not give blizzard more money.

I attempted to transfer yesterday when my mates moved but had " mail in inbox " without anything in my mail so i watned to try again today … Guess i’m stuck on mega queue

Same thing happened here. Went to transfer, sat in queue for 4 hours to clear my mailbox, Mograinewas locked by the time I got in and now im without my pals.

such a fing joke… and you know what? Average wait time for a customer support ticket is… 17 days

no update yet from anyone?

Tried to move another alliance char to Mograine (already have a lvl 80 and 60 here). But its locked for us aswell…

If the horde pop is the problem, why restrict alliance aswell?

Blizzard, comment please since you happily lock us out from playing with our friends without letting us know

Blizzard does not read or at least does not respond to the EU forums.

People need to stop expecting them to.