How altfriendly is Wotlk?

I know there are many nuances to this…but still is it possible to maintain 3,4 chars in wrath? Is it altfriendly?
I got almost all my chars on 70, i farmed enough gold and will farm more til wrath.
I get mixed answers …some people say wrath is the most altfriendly expansion and you will even get bored if you dont have 2,3,4 chars(and gearing is faster ). Some people say more then 1,2 is hard to maintain?
as i said probably depends on nuances like time etc. but what you think ? how many characters you wanna play in wrath?

It depends on how much time you have.

ofc it depends on time but how would you rank wrath vs tbc/vanilla classic or retail in terms of how alt friendly it is?

Very similar, perhaps a little harder.

Can you explain why? Because leveling 3,4 chars in vanilla cost you maybe months before you even start with the “endgame”. How is it harder in wrath? is there any grind on 80, which make it harder to maintain more characters?

I would say it’s easier to play with multiples characters in Wrath.

Leveling is easier/faster with more QoL and better spells/talents and less mana regen.

Once 80 you can focus on 1 character and do dailies to keep a correct progression on the others ones. Do the daily PvP quest and the daily heroic one + there are more catch-up in WOTLK.


cool thank you :-).

Quite a bit!

Wrath “Classic” though? Not very. There’ll be no quest helper as a baseline, no LFD tool and probably no heirlooms either.

Very. levelling is faster. Characters are stronger compared to mobs. Just go for it.

I remember from back in Wrath this was the very first expansion where I had multiple max level chars. It’s very easy to gear them up using badge gear or easy raids like Naxx, VoA, Sarth, EoE.


This is what i wanna here ^^. I remembered it aswell in wrath making many alts and gearing was fast but wasnt sure.

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