How am i supposed to be a caster in pvp?

No matter what i do, if arena or bgs, i literally can’t get out a single cast agains any given melee. Is this normal? What can i do?

absolutely nothing to do

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Learn to fake your casts

You have 2 roots, 2 stuns, coil, fear, immunity to interrupts cds

Hotmogu brawl = me having 140% haste baseline. I regularly go over 300% in combat… you’re no longer a caster then haha.

Play a hunter, basically a caster that can’t be interrupted

That does not work.

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You’re a destro warlock, use your cc.

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461 Destro lock moaning about not getting a cast off? Seriously? Like actual, seriously? Stay off twitch, learn your class, then you will cast!

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