How Blizzard managed to ruin World PVP

Blizzard ruined world pvp in retail by a lot of “carebear” tactics.

(0) corruptions: very obvious )

1) Scaling:
Your normal eyebeam does 60k damage, do it on a 50k health firemage and it does 3k damage. Fire mage can still remove 30% of your health with greater pyro. You literally cant win vs two 50k mages as a 480ilvl player if the mages are good. (trust me ive been ganking a lot naked in world)

2) Flying:
2.1) Mount mechanisms:
Stun a player who is slightly in the air = immune.
Start sheeping a player who is on the ground, at end of cast slight fly up = immune

2.2) Net-omatic is very slow:
Can literally cast it on a player who runs away from you, and he will mountup again before you reach him, as netomatic puts you in combat and you cant instantly mount up to reach him.

2.3) Players who engage in combat can simply leap away, feign death/shadow meld and mount up or turn into bird flying. Thus avoiding combat entirerly

3) Self-healing/endless mana:
After blizzard decided for every class to have a self heal it is pretty much impossible to kill many dps classes as a healer or tank. Tanks cannot kill healers simply because the healer never runs out of mana. The healer cannot kill the tank due to self-heal. (Now during corruption times its at worst it has ever been, you can have brewmaster monks proccing 120% versatility and having 95000/hps self-heal)

3.1) As Healer:
You cannot kill tanks or healers, nor most of dps classes, unless they have very little self heal like arms warriros - and you out-gear them. If you happen to be a high-burst dps holy paladin, most classes are able to run away during wings, because you have very little mobility outside one steed.

3.2) As tank:
You cannot kill tanks or healers, nor most of dps classes, but you wont be killed by many either (this is not good)

It is impossible to kill healers as tank as the dps output is just impossible

4) Combat delay/Spirit healers everywhere:
You kill a player, and for some reason you are not instantly out of combat so you cannot regenerate/eat. And the enemy player simply runs 5seconds from grave yard to kill you when you are low.

5) Low damage outside of cooldowns (many specs/classes).
-Kill one enemy and try to kill a second he was grouping with will be very hard because your damage is hitting like wet-noodles outside of cooldowns.

Personally my fireball is hitting 14k with 40% vers. That is not even 5% of an equal enemies health on a 1.9s cast. So you can see how bad the damage is outside of combustion if Im not allowed to cast gpyro (which will be on a 15s cooldown in shadowlands).

6) Introducing self-heal "friends"
Like those in Vale of Blossom dailies.
No chance killing another tank as a tank with this pet.

7) Sharding
7.1)Getting low health after failed gank? Just go to group finder and get teleported to a different realm world.

7.2) Need help? Get friends teleported to you from group finder LFM PVP

Tell me if I missed something


Hmm, I have a lot of fun in wpvp, doesn’t feel ruined at all.


True. New WPVP absolute garbage. I used to love when you were questing and got ganked by enemy and then you start fighting each other over the spot. Then next day you see enemy player and notice that it the same rogue that you had fight yesterday. Didn’t matter if you were on losing side or winning side, it was still fun. Got bored on content? Players started doing their own content by invading enemy territories.

Now it opposite- doesn’t matter what side you are, it is still garbage. You are on losing side- you just got attacked by 5 enemy players. You are on winning side- you just attack 1 horde with 5 man. Either way there is no fun in that. Even if you got into 1 vs 1 situations, it is still not enjoyable because you are no longer fighting over the world. It is like playing basketball where score is not being counted.


When you mention this, the army of “turn war mode off” comes. Seems you aren’t allowed to have opinions on warmode without being told to turn it off. I agree with you though.

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no. they didnt.

you missed a big one.

THat the playerbase when pvp servers existed Starting spliting servers down to 1 faction Dominance, for example back in legion Tarren Mill was 94% Horde or something stupid

nothing broke WPVP More then the fact theres Litterally a HUGE Faction Disparity and NO ONE plays Equalised servers… we pick “THE PVP SERVERS”… but noly the pvp servers which heavily Favor our faction massively.

Pre Warmode, WPVPs biggest death was the Lack of Faction equalisation on PvP Servers.

Post Warmode, The Faction Disparity drives Alliance to switching WM Off leaving the horde faction with 0 COmpetition.

if u were horde, ur pvp server was Tarren Mill/Kazzak
if u were alliance i think it was Outlands/ cant remember the other one

That was how it was, WPVP Hasnt existed for a LONG TIME because we dont even actively try to create WPVP, we dogpile 1 Faction Dominanting servers with 0 interest in Faction Equalisation Or Disparity in numbers and complain about the latter

oh yeah i remmeber when i got to Merc the hell out of Players back on Tarren Mill WPVP… when the alliance were so… oh wait. there were no alliance and the random odd one just got merced by 50 horde.

lmfao, WM Wasnt the start of the problem…

PvP servers were 94% One faction… u either got mulled over by the masses. or u had no one to fight.


World PvP has always been imbalanced.

The only people who have had fun during world PvP were

  • Tanks in legion

  • Ganksquads who fight people who are lower in numbers than they are

  • Unholy DKs

  • or generally just whatever class was broken in open world PvP

The issue with world PvP is simply you can’t balance it. It will always disrupt people and usually it’s a one sided fight because one side doesn’t want to fight at all.

The incredibly rare occasions where you fight a fair fight, be that 1v1 or 2v2 are usually ruined by friends or foes joining the fights.

Then there’s the fact that the only time I get sharded onto War Mode on servers where I see alliance is where they outnumber me 10 to one, which goes back to the imbalanced fights that simply aren’t fun.

Open World PvP may have been fun when all you did was mess around in WoW, but now when most you do is chores that you just wanna get over with, I feel like it’s just not the game for open World PvP anymore.


Disable flying with warmode on and give it a base line +35% xp buff and a 20% rep buff or something similar for max level.

It’s world pvp, no one cares. There is nothing at stake.


Yeah okay you dont care, other people care.


You’re right i don’t care, but i would wager most of the wow pvp community doesnt give a rats behind about world pvp since its literally 0 risk 0 reward content.


A bit funny after making this thread and want to make changes so you can basically one shot people that you get the first hit on.

I love how whole alliance raid of gankers emerge out of nowhere trying to kill me to finish some stupid daily quest. What a great pvp experience. LMAO


I think Blizzard ruined world pvp the very first time we got 2v1, most players hated it ever since.

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Yes if you are ilvl 480 and you are facing a ilvl 200 guy you SHOULD basically one shot him, and thats how it was before. If you dont like it you can turn warmode off.

That is part of gearing up and becoming stronger. Not only higher number in dps meters.


If you lose to a 200k guy as a 480 it’s not because of the gear.

I guess the same could be said to you.

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press reaping flame.

This is what’s wrong with PvP and “world pvp” you don’t want skill you want to smash/gank low level/gear ppl.

Gear should be a small part of PvP not the deciding factor…


I’m confused a bit here.

When they make gear scaling a thing, you complain about how gear doesn’t matter.

If they don’t do it, you’ll complain how no one has a chance to defend if they’re outgeared and how those who pve more are dominant even if they have less skill.

So what exactly should be done about this? You want gear to matter or not to matter?

As for mana/healing/sustain/mobility of all classes, Welcome to world of warcraft post classic. Most classes do most things nowadays. It’s nothing new.

This is now a part of this game, as much as raiding. Don’t expect a massive ban hammer to arrive and nerf or remove every ability of every class. You don’t like it? Then it’s unfortunate, because it will not change.

Net-o matic has a delay, to prevent people from camping certain high trafficing spots and hunt down any poor guy who flies through. Specially if they’re classes like DK that can do nothing to prevent falling to their deaths.

As for world pvp, it is ruined because the game has to calculate 50 billion different numbers per character per spell and when 20 people gather in a zone, the server can’t handle it. That’s thanks to blizzard’s obsession with introducing more and more confusing and RNG systems on top of other systems on top of another system on top of the main system.

Remove it for everything, in my opinion.
Tired of everything, related to scaling.
Unnecessary calculations on the computer just to make people lose more time both for PVP and PVE.

Best feature ever invented to make gaming companies nullify gear progression.

Fair enough.
Just ground everyone while in War mode.

Why introducing this feature in the first place ?
Nullified the entire purpose of eating and drinking.
Also every dungeon/raid has to be more punishing.

That’s their philosophy.

All your damage revolves around that burst period.
CD manager game.

Another useless feature.
If I wanted to play in a busy server I would had leveled in Draenor.

You have to love the fact, people that are not from your servers come and kill your rares or pick your farming nodes. :unamused:

I don’t do world PVP but I agree if this features would be removed from game.
Reason: introducing quality of life changes for the sake of nullifying them by raising difficulty, because healers have more mana and classes can heal in boss encounter’s makes no sense to me.

Not to mention people saying:
“This game is too easy.”
I wonder why …



the only thing that ruined WPvP for all WPvP guild who used to do massive wars in the open world is sharding. If there are too many people in the zone - half of them will phase on other shard. We used to do ~100v100 battles in Stormshield and Warspear during WoD but since Legion sharding became impossible to handle. Our 40v40 fight in Orgrimmar was ruined because both of the raid(ours and Alliance raid) got halved by it.
Because of that most of my friends moved on classic and WPvP(I stayed on retail because I didn’t like classic itself tho :frowning_face:)