How can there possibly be peace?

Don’t worry. There’ll be some Ashran-lake arbitrary excuse to skirmish non-stop despite the “peace”, then in the expansion after next they’ll elect a returning Gallywix Warchief or the “council” will go bananas aggressive, and then after that the Horde will blow up Ironforge kicking off another faction war where the Horde kills kittens and eats babies before we BREAK THE CYCLE and the Alliance makes the Horde extra-pinky swear not to be evil again.

Yes please speak more about terror while ignorantly using golden eyes on a blood elf working for the evil war criminal Light-hating Horde.
Amuse me more.


I just want you to know that I, a Paladin with golden eyes, sided with Sylvanas. Not only that, but I went out of my way to kill civilians with Lorash in the War of Thorns event. I will also be siding with the Venthyr in Shadowlands.

I did my part for the war effort like any other lawful good Paladin would do.


Then you know nothing of the lore, are ignorant in every way it’s possible to be and your character deserves to be strung up in Silvermoon alongside all other traitors to Quel’thalas.

People like you are why this game is dead. You disgust me as much as you make me laugh at your inability to play your character properly.


I play my character perfectly well thank you very much. It’s not my fault you sided with evil terrorists.

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I’m not going to bother with you any longer. Do every genuine Blood Knight a favour and delete your character, Horde loving traitor.

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You take that back you harlot! I enjoy killing Horde too!

Horde loving? What is wrong with that? Lor’themar Bobron bleeds red. He doubled down on it. The High Kingdom won’t return to the Alliance or the human and friend co. club any time soon. Deal with it.


Don’t take game so seriously. Aeula’s favorite Class Order Champion during Legion
was Lothraxion. I always knew we should never trust a Nathrezim. She was corrupted


Wrong, it was Boros. (More like Bro-ros). I liked to gank Alliance side by side with him for the pure meme of it.


Ironic how you decide to post that on a Zandalari, the sworn enemy of all Thalassians for thousands of years who should be killed on sight by any child of Quel’thalas

Thank you for demonstrating why it makes no sense for a true Blood Elf to be loyal to this blighted and evil Horde.

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Oh I agree there. The Horde’s far too unstable and useless to bother with. There’s a higher percentage of Anduin’s in the Horde than even the Alliance have to put up with.

If I could hunt trolls all day I certainly would do. Certainly wasn’t going to betray the Elven Warchief for one.

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The Blood Elves were completely screwed after the scourge invasion and Kael’thas betrayal. The Alliance didn’t want to know but the Horde let them in and helped their civilization rebuild.

It was out of necessity at first but after 5 expansions together the Belves are in the Horde out of choice and it was definitely the right one for them to make.


You must have mistaken me with one of those Amani guys that pretty much everyone on Azeroth equally hates, other Trolls included. Revantusk say Hi btw. Now stop making a fool of yourself alright?


And it really didn’t help that the Horde was raiding their few remaining lodges in Vanilla.

Then TBC came. And those lodges were conveniently exiled.

Such is life in the wacky world of warcraft.

Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, their relationship prior to them joining the horde was bad but still at least they stopped fighting them eventually.

With regards to peace it’s interesting that Tyrande is once again the dissenting voice in the Alliance since she was almost solely responsible for the Belves not being allowed back in the Alliance and for the Nightborne joining the Horde as well. Any Alliance players able to share what her thoughts were on the Void Elves if she made them known?

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She didn’t. She was conveniently okay with them. Just like she won’t turn down blood elves/nightborne and even Forsaken helping her find Elune in the Shadowlands.


Now that’s that Night Elves I know and loathe.

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She also didn’t have hard feelings for Maiev after that one tried to murder her husband. The intention was a slow and agonizing death by the by.

She seems to have mellowed out more than is reasonable over the years.

Doesn’t Tyrande get swept down a river during the War of the Ancients and Maiev tells Malfurion she saw her get ripped apart by demons because she doesnt want to waste time looking for her? Unless that is only canon in warcraft.