How did wie even defeat Azshara?

Just goes to show how future generations can be surprisingly better compared to a 10.000 years old Arrogant Lady who thinks she has it all figured out…

She did still win though

Thalyssra is a 10,000 years old arrogant lady! :joy:


Yeah but auntie Jaina is just 30 years old and she has such knowledge or Suramar Artifacts lol :joy::joy:

azhara was killed like most other villains, killed like nothing while doing nothing but bragging. it would be nice if blizz would actually write villains that have common sense and an idea of tactics and dont do naything but arrogant bragging.

Edwin vancleef was a proper villain

I didn’t see Edwin as villain. Stormwind still didn’t pay to Westfal as far as I know.


Azshara isn’t dead.

I think that as of lately, WoW lacks grounded and relatable “enemies” such as him.
Enemies whose motives go beyond being selfish cartoon pricks or pawns to some chaotic evil force.


There arent any these days because Stormwind killed them all probably… you want a paycheck? Stormwind will give you a paycheck alright…

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Another reason why stormwind should fall then.

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when they have those they will usally be chanegd to be corrupted,mind controled by greater evil anyway.
Also we do have some non mahaha end world(with nothing else as motivation) characters/villains.
Like Elisande(wouldnt say she really is a villain though)Edwin, the scarlet crusade(they where basicly mislead over time),Garrosh somewhat.

But yeah we lack them


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