How do i win games as healer?

I swear i can play my best and i cant climb in this mode. its impossible. rating 700 btw wtf. i have most healing most of the time and lots of cc against enemy healer but my teams loses all the time.
in shadowlands i played 2s at 1500 range

First of all atleast for me helps preventive ignor, report, mute all players in round. Then i type to all hunters and DHs if they jump out of my barrier into ring of fire i will afk. This 2 methods brings to 1600 rate . I will update this tips list.


short answer. Your best is just not good enough.

there are thousands of other players proving you wrong.

CCing the enemy healer is one of the least important things you should do/worry about as a healer and its the number 1 mistake lower rated healers do. Giving up your position, not healing because you go for an offensive play.

No offense but this is like nothing.

There is not much to say. Get proper binds, read guides, learn how to position.

ok thx for advice. try to avoid that or at least if i need to give up my position.

And 1500 was good for me at least and 700 isnt really because you couldn’t lose rating after 1000 in 2s :rofl:

do you click your frames?

That for sure is what‘s keeping him stuck at 700 CR :joy:

Up until at least 1800 it‘s all about positioning (+basic awareness) and healing rota/HPS, which should be his #1 priorities for improving.

Who upvotes toxic behaviour like this? Deactivating your chat is fine, but everything beyond that like described here is just overly agressive for no reason. Please do not take this advice.

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Unfortunately its nothing. I do in SL S2 2100 in pvp and 2k in 3s with tha same mates. (disc priest main)

Now, I cannot climb higher than 1600. (with the same ppl)

Lot of players has gone who played before pvp. Almost the 30% of the pvp player base has gone Since SL .

Thats the reason. And it wont be better by time. :frowning:

I suggest you find some patient players as coaching, to speak about the tactics, wall, range, how to compelling during fights, and kite.
Now its hard to being a healer, but with druid and priest almost the easiest. (by all healers)

You need some training and atm its not easy alone to learn in pvp cause the beginner players is going to getting rekted in 3 seconds.

Pvp is a teamfight. Its not enough that your arena mate go and CD on enemy.
They need to protect you, and they have to play defensive if they are the killtarget.

I’d recommend watching a vod reviews of cdew for example on youtube, where he is watching a relatively low cr healers and explains what are they doing wrong and how can they improve. I am sure you’ll find it helpfull.

If you played RMP and Rogue/disc in SL, at 2k+, thats kinda equivalent to 1600 in shuffle now. But healer is dog to climb with. Maybe try shadow, dunno.

any source on these numbers or did you just make them up?

Record a game of yours upload to youtube and i’ll write down every single mistake u did here.

there is no winning as healer with dmg being this out of control even if u go 6-0 it feels like lose

Rating is super deflated for healers. Only the bests of the bests can climb.

I’m 2.6 xp on multiple healers , my mistweaver is 2100 in shuffle which is my highest healer, and both my rdruid and my Hpala are hard stuck at 1800cr with over 1000 games played :rofl:

The MMR system is terrible for healers, you have to go on an insane winstreak for your MMR to skyrocket which never happens since you’ve close to no impact over the outcome of the games as a healer, whether you win or lose rarely depends on you.

It is kinda disheartening to win 5-1 , then 4-2 for petty rating gains, then you go 2-4 and insta tank and lose -60.
It is so punishing , you basically stand there babysitting 2 DPS then one makes a mistake there’s nothing you can do you insta lose -60 pts.
Whereas a 4-2 usually gives +20 at best.

If you don’t go on a winstreak right away in your very first shuffles, I feel like you’re doomed to stay stuck in the 1.6 - 1.8 bracket , and it’s really hard to get yourself out of it.


This means that you are very unexperienced person. So keep practicing and you will achieve higher rating.

idk disc is #2 spec above 2400 and rdruid is #6. MW has also decent representation.

then you are doing things fundamentally wrong or dont understand how to play shuffle as a healer.

my last 8 games on my rshaman 2300 mmr in shuffle:

5 draws in a row which gave me a total of 40 rating (unlucky to have 5 draws in a row but atleast insta ques)
then i won 4-2 and got +49, after that i lost 2-4 and got -25 then i won 4-2 again and got +47.

It looks like you still dont understand how mmr and ratings work.

not true at all too.
im no healer main and im close to 2400 on propaply the worst shuffle healer in the game and there were a few games in my last sessions where i could have easily won if i didnt do a mistake,

you see, Alfbernt, players like this have never played below 1500, their every new character probably starts with gold plate 1.9 or something like that, they enjoy the arena which you can see on twitch, where players are biacthing and whining if someone used cds in wrong order
meanwhile you are stuck in sewers where geared people with hundreds of games still don’t use cd at all, do not use executes, ignore totems, extremely slow, have 3sec gcd etc and everyone is constantly dying form air and anything can happen at any moment of time

If you, as a healer, avoid queuing up, that’s a win itself! That’s how you win solo shuffle.

Yes but you will also win because of it so if you play better than the other healer(s) you can’t really say this is the cause for not being able to progress.