How do you adress all the problems that there is with WoW

There’s just too much… you’d need like a 5 hour video to explain it all, don’t you think.
People already think that the only problems with WoW is just 1 or 2 things, but I think it’s a combination of a lot of things that indirectly contribute to the downfall.

I’d like to see a few possibilities brought up that no one seemed to mention until now.
If WoW is an MMORPG about exploration and discovering stuff in a fictional world, why does Blizzard allow sites like WoWhead to datamine every possible corner of the game before the game has even launched? Why does Blizzard contribute to killing off the community this way?

And that’s just one minor problem in a set of problems that play like cogwheels onto eachother. It’s a really, really deep pit and I don’t think Blizzard is whole to blame, but as a community we have to look at ourselves and see how introducing tokens curled back the monkey’s paw and now we see a lot of boosting and multiboxing.

Like there’s always a positive feature that got added to WoW, but there’s always a negative aspect towards it to the end.
Like for instance, adding 4 difficulties because Blizzard wants to cater to every kind of WoW player, this in return bumps Item level and powercreeping way too much alongside players who want to get through harder content but have to start out doing normal will burn themselves out more easily and quit the game…

Or with datamining… the world felt more open back in the day, or full with players, but now people just look up what to do once they’re stuck instead of asking other players what to do. Or they will skip certain areas because the experience rate isn’t that great compared to another area. Etc etc.

You see? It’s hard to talk about problems in WoW… there’s always a positive and a negative… think it’s hard to balance and it’s not as easy as it looks…

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Sharding & toxic tries of turning the game into e-sports & classes being unbalanced af & gutting the MMO and adding more solo stuff wrecked the game hard.


You can point them out problems WoW has all day and night. Their biggest problem is Horde bias since 2004. Get rid of that first, then focus on other things.
But in the end they don’t care at all. They are so stubborn and full of themselves to admit they are/were wrong.
Or are simply blind or pretend to ignore serious problems, that plague this game. Such as dead realms or faction imbalance for example.
What this game need is a new dev team, that isn’t biased toward either faction.
Dev team has to be NEUTRAL when it comes to faction based MMO.
I’ve never seen developers being so stubborn, greedy, arrogant, incompetent and biased towards one of the factions.
The only thing, that would force them to fix their game would be mass boycott /mass quits / mass unsubs /mass backlash.
We aren’t here for them, they are here for us. They should remember that well.
Cause no players/customers = no money = no game = no company. Start being demanding and fight for your rights instead of doing nothing like blizzard.
You don’t pay them to be lazy or do nothing.

I’d revert the game back to WOD (class design, currency systems, PvP gear philosophy, no borrowed powers) and I’d just remove warforging & add more actual content (raids, dungeons) instead of garrison garbage.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Did you see just what they did with the horde and worse, the once based Zandalari?

Is it tought? Because the focus of the game has always been end game content which is instanced. Always felt that when people found something cool to do in the open world was just a bonus. Also the one thing most people will agree on is that the instances have been constantly good, and are what wow is famous for, like ESO has great crafting, FFXIV has cat girls and WoW has good raids.


I liked early day instances that were huge and took time to go through almost every single instance after that idea was scrapped has been just a tight corridor. I personally found ESO crafting just plain boring and the time i played the game i just ignored it.
As for FFXIV some people cat girl crap is a selling point but when i see that crap i cleanse my mind from it entirely and ignore it.

WoW has raids but i think raiding needs something new and exciting its still same o same o stuff that has been in the game for almost two decades now with barely any change at all.

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by quitting

They should make content for players that don’t engage in high content without making it mandatory for players that only want to play high end content. Remove borrowed powers to then fix classes. Done.

Lol’d. Sums up the games and playerbases pretty well.

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