How do you beat a rogue 1v1

With a tons of situations after crosskills where I stay vs a rogue in arena… I just can’t seem to be able to kill any… in past xpacs it was… more balanced but now it ALWAYS looks like this

rogue goes into stealth, heals passively. If I’m 100% hp, it’s ok, if not, I try to use conjure food or cannibalize… he saps me… he saps me again… and again… then hit and run, deal some damage slow me, run, disappear etc…

sometimes I can root him and try to greater pyro into him. he will blind me or cloak or smoke bomb xD
or will take the hit and run away, passively heal in stealth and sap me repeatedly so I can’t heal up.

I tried playing with blast wave and blink that removes stun but it hardly helps… it just takes him longer to bring me down.

I tried ring of frost… but again it’s just 1 greater pyro I can get into him and I have no way to burst him down due to the amount of CC he has and he can ALWAYS run away but leaving me slowed down and he just sprints away…

Actually… as a mage I can reliably defeat only other mages and sometimes maybe rets and SOMETIMES arms warrs if I don’t get rekt by his spell reflection ;p

tbf all other specs eat me alive 1v1… either by killing me with their pets or shutting me down completely like DH’s or doing the hit-and-run tacs where they can heal up and I can never eat up either due to DoTs hitting harder than my food can… or simply because they bolt to me to disrupt eating.

funny thing is that many classes can just tank all my damage and will deal fairly more… even if I kite… ranged attacks of melee classes deal a lot of damage, then add dots… then add ranged interupts, I can fake, but can’t stop their ranged CC… and even if I avoid all of that then the cycle repeats ;0

kinda frustrating. I know play for fun but most competent players can easily bring me down… I can nuke only those who clearly have no clue…
You say I have no clue. Well… sure but how do you stop in 2s a 2x melee team that stunlocks you and takes half of your hp before you can do anything?
Even if I stay invisible and at max range and poly at start, they just lol-trinket, immunity/anti magic whatever, storm at me stun/ranged CC and I’m already half-dead :stuck_out_tongue: sure I can damage them but in the end they become sturdy as they use some other damage reduction cooldowns while they eventually bring me down, often with DoTs ;0
Is it all because mage is “balanced around 3s with rogue?”
well, I could play mage/rogue in 2s. I did… it’s a hit-or-miss really. if you dont nuke in opener you are basically dead by zerging. And you kill in the opener if you kick the healer, most of the times but sometimes, you can get healer to 5% and he recovers eventually… esp. shamans ;p Also, if you stay close to each other against mage/rogue, they can sometimes break their own CC with splash damage so yeah… ;0 Like, good luck using meteor and ultimately breaking poly or blind, so you can’t even use your hard hitter.
And it works the other way - when I face rogue/mage sometimes they can nuke my partner or healer… or sometimes they are just dead relatively fast if you manage to stop their burst in any way… then usually the mage goes down fast as he has no real answer to anything ;p even if rogue hides he will be visible so even if he polymorphs you and runs away… one of you will be able to stop his eating, even if rogue saps on of you.
I think the only balanced situation is mage/rogue vs. mage/rogue

Sorry for the rant but I haven’t felt this weak as a mage since forever ;s

The way to win it is to be a class that counters rogues or can stop him resetting like DK, DH, Hunter etc. If he gets to a pillar and goes sap mode yeah its not likely.

as a mage with arcane atleast you can bully the rogue outright as arcane, frost and fire will have it harder due to not having decent slows or a reliable dot which you can spam apply like nether tempest. If he gets free resets continually you wont win, any map with like no pillar is a free win for casters vs rogue.

as fire the idea is you want to poly g-pie, ring g-pie meteor maledict. Its a very touch and go subject since the only thign rogue has going for it is the ability to keep resetting till his cds > yours.

funny, most competent rogues can even completely avoid being spotted by taking the “eye” in the arena… they just hide and even when mounted I can’t usually guess where he is… and if I do, he can sprint to LoS ;0

Good rogue? Nope you can’t beat.
Bad one? Yeah sure if you play all your cards without any mistakes.

Dont let the rogue reset as it becomes 1v1 is the best chance as fire. Do the gpie rof gpie burst as well but if the rogue gets cds back from a full reset you should lose as fire

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