How does survival feel?

The last time I tried hunter was back in wotlk so I have no idea how it plays today. I saw that many things changed and that explosive shot and black arrow, once survival spells, are now merged in marksman, while survival became a melee spec.

Since survival hunters use spears and they sound similar to dragoon class from final fantasy games, I wanted to know if it plays similarly or it’s more like outlaw rogue. Is the gameplay fast and hectic or more quiet/calm? Is pet fundamental to this spec or more of a sidekick? Any particular interaction? Do you find it fun to play?


Your focus generator and stun and bloodlust/free root breaker/defensive skill are from pet. It is a fast paced spec, though some of the animations cough serpent sting cough are quite lackluster

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I like the spec but i hate the pet from all my heart.

Sad reality is; its a shadow of its former self. It was more enjoyable during Legion and was the least played spec because of its difficulty. Now its been made easier no thanks to Blizzard, majority of hunters play it and the often response is ‘Its Fun’. Just check Bgs and majority of the times hunters forget what traps are for :thinking:

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It is definitely fun to play, for me the most fun spec in the game right now. I’ve always preferred melee over ranged and loved the hunter class fantasy, so a melee hunter is a blessing. The only two things i personally want changed is AoE to be more smooth and to be able to dual wield.

well the new melee survival sucks soo hard . the old survival was much better and Fun to play . this new survival is all about keeping a dot and dumping your focus with 1 ability and build it up with another one . simple and soo sad to lose the old fun spec it was the best spec for me to play .

I hear BM players say that BM is boring, I hear MM players say that MM suck.

You will encouter most Surv hunters say :
It’s fun to play. For me it’s the most fun I have played in 13 years.

I feel your set is soo close to matching with all its parts. The tabard looks off because of its color and low ress/stretched skull image. The shoulders are very leathery looking compared to the very metally hands/legs/feet/belt. But besides that I really like the colors and animalistic/barbaric theme which matches great with a hunter :slight_smile: 7/10

Thank you.
I know the Tabard is off, but i wear it out of nostalgia rather than looks.
I agree with you on the shoulders, but thats the best one I could find to match with the theme.

Haha I just realised that this was posted in the wrong thread :smiley:

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