How high Can you climb without corruptions?

Hellow gamers, like a month or two ago me and a irl did some 2s with this toon that im posting on, without having cloak or corruptions. It seemed allright (eventho every game was a uphill battle) until we got Kinda stuck in the 1850 range before we stopped.

My question is how high Can one realisticly go with lacking this season gear and corruptions? Note that i am an average andy without any particular high exp in arena, aka a pleb.

Depends on comp you play. My friend and I are trying alts with no gear, no corruption and no synergy at all, sharing most DRs etc. Currently we are hardstuck at 1480-1538.

We have a lot of fun though, so it’s no biggie!

Yeah that’s true! Me and my friend was playing unholy /Hpal and eventho i some times died in dr stuns vs fully geared dh’s etc, It was Great fun for sure! Just Wondering how high one Can actually go with such scuffed chars considering all the corruption hate I see on these forums

Honestly? You’ll very quickly hit a brick wall where apes are killing you by accident because of corruption so I dunno mate but not very high.

2000-2100 should be doable if yourself and the friend are good at the game, willing the practice, and have a lot of time to play games. Maaaaaaaybe 2.2. Anything above that, I am afraid might be too difficult without the corruptions and PvE gear this season if you’re not some sort of rank1 players.

Tbh 1.6 max cause everyone has full corruption these days

I managed to get 2150 on my second corruptionless hpaly, but I was playing with well geared bis corrupted destro. Anyway closer to 2200 I started to notice that I severely fall behind on healing and survivability.
If i were playing without corruption with dk I guess I would stuck at 2k at best since dk, unlike destro, has very limited tools to assist its healer under pressure. To push in this comp you have to be fully geared and have enough versatility and ineffable corruption, since you’re basically a training dummy here. Also right corruption creates windows for damage assist from you and significantly lowers your HOJ cool down, which is crucial for success in this comp.

Dude pala is busted op and so is destro so it doesnt matter

The question was about pushing rating without corruption and you have to cry that destro and hpal are op (even if they are).

Lol “Rekt-ar” is always crying, errbody is on his list of op, braindead and dumb :joy::joy:

Yeah I was think about the 2100 rangeqæ being doable if i have an actual geared partner since i did last session with a dk Who only had a few corrupted pieces :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes destro and Hpal is busted AF with gear/corruptions, but without any corruptions (dont have the cloak Even) i wouldn’t say a 445 hpal is OP into a 475 gushing freak :joy: cheers for the input sogar lads \o/

I legit think u can hit 2000-2200 if u are rly experienced player and play a comp that isnt rly based on gear. Is a good challenge if i still played WoW i would def stream and try to get 2.4.

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