How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

And look here OP, the Blizzard is not the only one which it has the raid finder in its MMO, the Square Enix enabled it to and FF MMO is currently alongside the WoW and ESO one of the most popular MMOS, with an subscription model just like WoW.

I never gave a poop about other MMO’s why would I care about FF MMO or any other MMO when there is a MMO I already play? Tbh it might be a good idea to look for a new MMO since this ship is already burning. Maybe there is an alternative for wow like there is alternative for Diablo.

Its not important here at all do you care or not about the other MMOS tho, what’s important is that devs of various MMO studios think how in this date and age is important to have accessibility in their games,and how they want to have the options for different type of the gamers in their games.

Yeah I know that’s why more and more publishers think that it’s good to have pay to win aspects in games. The thing is ppl who want to play these games don’t like.

Same as Overwatch was a success and it had lootboxes in it. Well instead of thinking that “Oh they made a good game and that’s why it sells” they thought “Oh it sells well because it has lootboxes”, and boom lootboxes to singleplayer and multiplayer with some of them being pay to win in both single and multiplayer.

Actually LFR is well received in both FF MMO and WoW by the large number of players, and if those games wouldn’t cater to the larger variety of the gamers they wouldn’t be now the most popular MMOS currently on the market with an subscription model.

The lootboxes and PTW are different things, check the all the negativity behind the latest Battlefront game, that game is played now by almost none.

Yeah LFR really did save wow and it’s climbing to its all time highest number of subcrib… oh it’s at it’s all time low and has gone down since cataclysm where they introduced LFR?
Ofc I can’t say this is a fact cause Blizzard is too scared to show subscriber numbers since WoD.
Pay to win is still common and well received in card games and sport games. I know this cause I had a debate about Artifact in steam forums (I got banned there too for unknown reason).
Lootboxes are basically gambling and the outrage is because there is no restrictions to these practices. Btw wow has lootboxes you just can’t pay for them (yet).

The game is ruined, but I don’t think LFR is the only problem.

WoW is supposed to be an MMORPG, and it’s no longer the case. Nowadays, it’s only an MMO. This change did not happen suddenly one day.

When the game was brand new, the journey was the content. Except for those who had tested the game, players were equal, nobody knew what to expect and questing was harder than today. Therefore people were inclined to chat and gather. Now, leveling is superfast, the end game is the game. So meeting people, chating with them, getting to know them has become quite rare.

Back in the Vanilla days, there was no possibility to gather with players from other servers, so people couldn’t count on the “I won’t meet this player again” and act like jerks so easily than today. And don’t get me wrong, I’m aware there were other problems. (This part is based on ancient Vanilla players testimonies and research).

Do you ever wonder what it’s like to begin WoW, for exemple, at the end of MoP ? My experience (on another server than AD) is empty areas, a messy lore, people telling you to Google your questions (best case scenario), insults, kicks and ninja looting in dungeons more often then civilized behaviors.

It went better as I got better and understood how to play my main character and the game mechanics in general. Wich took me some time : being a noob, I believed that I was really bad and deleted my 60 ilvl monk to start another monk and improve, not knowing that my green gear couldn’t compete with hairloom stuff :rofl:

One of my issues with BfA in particular would be that the game design seems to have disgusted the semi-hard core players group. Between the (very) easy mode (LfR raid and dungeons, Warfronts, emissary quests) and the hard core content (MM+ at some level, MM raid), there is little to do, if nothing. Plus the RNG thing and raider io don’t help. The RNG creates useless drama and raider io… Are we playing with people or with numbers ?

So now, what I see, I think as a result of different elements added one to another over time, what I see here or in the US forum and to a lesser extend in the french one, is kind of a war between “casuals” and “elites”. Wich is… well, disappointing and silly, to speak with some moderation.

No journey, poor gameplay, poor classes design, stupid rng, a “community sense” more and more ruined, enough is enough, I’ve unsub.

Wish you all well.


And LFR gives raiding rewards because… >and here’s the kicker< IT’S ACTUALLY A RAID.

You ‘pro’ raiders might look down on it and call it ‘not raiding’, but it is. And so it rewards raiding rewards. Weird huh?


except its not and even activision/blizzard said that.

very. glad we agree.

then again i wouldnt even care what it rewards if other raid levels rewarded at least the same thing.

  1. The game is not ruined; the game is ‘less fun atm’. It will get fun again.
  2. LFR is not a problem, period.

It is very much still an MMORPG.

It’s the same as it was on release. It’s still an MMORPG, just with a lot more choice in how you want to enjoy the game. That doesn’t make it less of a game, but a better one.

It still is. But if you’ve done the content a number of times, of course you’re going to be bored with it.

That is STILL content. And fyi; I enjoyed the leveling in BfA more than its endgame. I was sad when it was over. That new content was awesome.

No, I never wonder that. I don’t care.
I started at vanilla launch (beta actually, but meh). I don’t care about ‘what’s it like when I had started playing later’ because I didn’t.

Right. Well… Not too different from vanilla then tbh.

I belong to the, what you call, ‘easy mode’ group. There’s plenty of content, but it’s not fun, it’s not meaningful and it’s not engaging. So the problem with BfA doesn’t lie solely with the ‘semi-hardcore’ part.

Only if you let it.

That’s what happens when players with different gaming philosophies want a game to cater more to ‘their’ way of playing. It’s VERY hard to please all these different people and WoW has shown that over and over. Maybe, just maybe, it would be better if Blizzard just bit the bullet and picked a side; WoW is either a casual game that can be enjoyed by anyone, or WoW is a hardcore game where you have a few elitists who are happy and the rest isn’t. I guess you can tell from my wording which one I would prefer.

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Do you have a link for me with that quote? I’d like to see it.

We will very probably never agree. On anything.
Your ego kinda gets in the way of ever allowing you to see the worth of someone else’s opinion. Truth hurts. Sorry not sorry.

And if this post earns me a forum vacation, then so be it. I couldn’t really care less. Maybe it’s better anyway. To distance myself more from this game that I’m not even playing at the moment.

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Yeah I’m really hoping someone would do an MMO that was pretty much wow when wow was good. Like they fricked diablo and POE came out to kick it’s butt, they fricked wow and now we need a game to kick it’s butt.

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Yeah, that’s what the number of subscriptions shows. I don’t know the futur.

Period is not an argument.

Another striking argument.

What release ? Vanilla ? The same ?

2 or 3 days for the leveling in BfA… Come on.

When the game was brand new.

That’s what I said.

I don’t but a lot do.

I bet you don’t care.

And I don’t care about your preference. See, that’s how it goes : you don’t care, I don’t care. You care, I care.

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Neither do I, but I prefer to be optimistic, unlike Skotia, apparently.

It’s not an argument. It’s an opinion. And I gave just as much explanation as Skotia did. Why should I be required to provide proof, explanations and such when the person I’m replying to doesn’t provide any either?

Same reply as above.

Yes, vanilla. Obviously.

What does the timespan have to do with anything?
Yeah it’s faster than the journey from 1-60 was. Of course it’s faster; we get 10 new levels.

What is your point?
I’m saying the journey is STILL content. And it is.

Oh you are Skotia? Good to know.
But… you didn’t say that:

So yeah.

Lol. Did I push your buttons?
I just don’t care what the experience is when someone started in some expansion… what’s so bad about that. That’s not to say I don’t care about your opinions on the game. It just so happens I disagree with a lot of it. That’s all.
Don’t be so butthurt, there’s no need for that.

It’s a failed experiment, I went into LFR to learn alts, tricks and used them for pugs and guilds. Most people solo queue into LFR and then never raid. Btw you don’t know but some bosses are night and day compared in even LFR and normal. It’s supposed to give a taste (and mogs) not as a gearing or raiding method.

This is not correct, because if they’ve queued and done LFR they HAVE raided.
They might very well not pursue higher difficulties, but that doesn’t mean they haven’t raided.

That’s the same as saying: You never played football. When I’ve for instance played with a local group of friends from time to time and have never come even close to playing with a professional football team. It doesn’t mean I haven’t played, it just means I haven’t played at a certain level.

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My point was about the community thing. Obviously you completely missed it. So continue to be part of the problem and to call yourself optimistic :rofl:.

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Wait which part of LFR was meant to ease people into raiding didn’t you get? To help they even made a new difficulty in SoO, flex. Which they later renamed normal, still not many started coomunity raiding. Queueing up isn’t a community, 99% don’t even speak or chat!

LFR isn’t even fun… It’s this chore you feel like you should do to get a little extra early on the in content…
When you get in that raid it usually sucks… people ninja pulling and just acting silly…

And you just ignore my very valid answers and shrug it off with a veiled insult. Okay. Part of the problem. Sure buddy.