How LFG, ilevel and making the game more accessible is ruining the game

That doesn’t work. Not anymore.
It will seriously cause the game to die and I can’t believe you don’t understand that. Today’s gaming market is SO different from 2004.

Oh and as a sidenote: I’ve been banned in the past for saying ‘no thanks’. True story.

Is that why 2004 style games are crushing their competators? PoE, Warframe, LoL and Dota2. It is just a matter of time when a dedicated to the players gaming studio releases a 2004 style MMO with today’s graphical standarts and burries WoW. That or Classic just makes BFA obsolate.


thats 2-3 “work days” -_-

causal people usually play this much but monthly not weekly -_-


League of legends came out in 2009 :laughing: and older versions of the game were a huge sucess to the fact that it was new and fun and had community and progression now everything has been simplified and removed ppl hate that.

I play 4h a day and i can call myself a casual.

casual is not someone who play less.

a casual is someone how don’t achive high difficulty. some will but vast majority won’t.

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the main problem has i see it is doing harder content not worth my time because the effort for the reward ain’t their.

when i can kill a rare mob in world that give me gear quality of heroic uldir or normal battle of daz, that where the problems lies…


I think this is the failing to be honest. Trying to please everyone and not achieving it. Because it’s impossible.

I think they need to pick a path and stick to it.

so basicly the problem isnt Lfr but the round handedness with high Item leveled epic gear and how the rarity has no real meaning?
if so then how about:

make it so rare gives better stats then uncommon and epic gear gives better then rare again

make it so you only get rare gear from warfronts, daily and world q, Lfr raids

and make it so the gear you get from world quest caps at Lfr Item lv?

do you think that it could help make epic gear “epic” again?

at this point of the games lfr should be remove and here is why.

the difference between lfr and normal is the determination buff and you can’t push a button to enter it,ilvl.

other wise remove the determination buff and up the ilvl in gear reward and its called normal.

its how the gear is given the problem too.
personnal loot is a rng on top of rng behind a rng on top of rng.

before the rng was.
boss die.
loot drop.
did you get loot.
no. better chance next time.
the loot is a upgrade?
yes press need.

now today is.
boss die.
did you get loot?
yes? no.
did it proc? better chance next time.
yes. no
its a upgrade?
yea. no.
equip it. better chance next time.

Your consideration is bad, a better comparison would be like high rated players intentionally signing up for unrated content

Yeah, making games that require you to learn to play it really died out long ago. Like who cares about Dark souls those games flop every time. Dota 2 the game that is almost impossible to get into, has the biggest esport scene (if you look at price pools) and is one of the most played mobas ever.

Ppl defending this far gone accessibility really makes me think of that video game journalist who was too bad at video games to beat cuphead tutorial. Here’s a video of that hilarious run.

That’s not the only differences. If they remove LFR they again lock out a HUGE PART of the playerbase. That WILL end badly (and not only for those people). Guaranteed.

Less people doing raids > less resources for raids > less raid content and/or less quality of that content. It all eventually leads to raids being reduced to almost nothing or outright removed. Making content that only a minority of your playerbase does/sees is NOT cost effective and it is BAD business.

That’s why Ulduar is said to be the best raid ever made by wide opinion. Cause everyone could just go in and do it without having any gear or skill to do it… oh wait there was no LFR back then.


Your reply makes no sense. It’s just spouting a few claims, which might or might not be false.

Thinking something is ‘the best raid ever’ doesn’t make the WHOLE RAID SYSTEM good, it only makes one particular version within a flawed system good.

And this…

I don’t get what you’re trying to do here…
Are you being ironic and do you mean the opposite of what you’re saying?
If you are not, then I have to say that… ‘everyone could just go in and do it without having any gear or skill to do it’ …is total nonsense.
And if you DID mean it in some sort of ironic, demeaning way… What’s the point of this remark? Claiming that a raid can be hard and unforgiven and liked? Well yeah, of course it can, because the people who LIKE high end raiding (a minority) will of course like such a type of raid. Duh.

So your remarks make head nor tails of anything.

I meant that the quality of raid content was never going to be worse because some ppl never got to experience it. In my opinion the whole games content has gone downhill since LFR was introduced because the world doesn’t feel as big when there is no unbeaten content out there.
This is a reference to the raid design video from 2005 that I have linked before in this post. In that video Jeff says that the world feels bigger for everyone when there is unbeaten content out there. Which I think is completely true.


Well, it IS going to be worse and Blizzard has stated that. Making content for a few isn’t cost effective.

That reference is from 2005. 14 years ago. A lot has changed and so has their viewpoint on it. There are still things to aim towards (so his statement is STILL true, just in a different way), but keeping content like storylines away from players because of some unnecessary blockade is bad business and I for one am glad they don’t do that anymore.

Sure there might be a handful of people who would try to raid if LFR was removed, but for the majority it would simply mean blocking them from ever seeing that content for themselves. That would undoubtedly lead to a mass exodus of the game, which will make the loss of subs as they are now seem like peanuts.

These last things are of course not something I can prove, but what I think will happen. Do you actually want to run the risk though? Killing a game just to get your shortsighted way?

Well the subcount has gone down about 50% since the introduction of LFR, so yes maybe it would be time to try something radical. No idea about the current amount of subscribers since Blizzard has been too scared to show them since WoD, but I doubt they look good.


Sigh. I’m getting so tired of this… Let me say this clearly…


Maybe, just maybe a few % quit because of it. But that’s all. A few %.
There’s a plethora of reasons for the loss of subs over the years and it’s not any 1 single system or feature’s fault.

If the LFR is the reason they can make better content, then why are ppl not liking that content and are leaving the game? Was LFR a failure or is Blizzard just too lazy or restricted by Activision, money, accessibility and/or trying to please everyone so no one is really happy with it?