How much haste

How much haste is good for fire mages ? I have %35 haste and i think it is really fun to play high haste. Many people say sim yourself but i m not sure how to sim myself for mythic+

Haste is good for ST but very strong for AoE, so for dungeons go nuts.

Haste is good for sure but breaking point is around 21% (or 700 rating). After that for m+ you’ll see better results focusing on versatility.

For raids you’ll want haste and then whatever (crit gains some value in longer ST fights - but you don’t have that in m+).

You’re probably going way overboard. If you’re interested in optimizing your gear, I would recommend that you start using, starting now. Generally you don’t sim your stat weights anyway, you just sim the gear you get and see if it’s an upgrade.

And if you sim something and it doesn’t make sense to you, trust the sims over your own intuition. That is all.

Raidbots have many options. what is optimal fight lenght and how many bosses for more accurute sims ?

Patchwerk single boss 5 minutes is the way to go, and if someone asks what you sim, its this one they’re talking about. I wouldn’t recommend other options until you know exactly what you’re doing.

Thanks alot. It is nice to get advice from one of the best fire mage in our server :slight_smile:

Following a sim blindly is a bad idea as it doesn’t take into other accounts like mechanics downtime etc…

And this is opposed to… what exactly? Just doing things based on feel, am I right? You’re free to have your own opinions about sims, but all the best players use it to optimize gear, and that provides the best results. I’m not suggesting to sim just because that’s what I do, it’s because that’s what everyone who is good at the game does.

Edit: I’ll grant you something: trinkets can sometimes be tricky to sim, and if you don’t understand how the trinket works, sims can be deceiving for trinkets depending on their effects (if it’s some weird stuff and sims optimize the usage 100% of the time). But this is relatively advanced min-maxing, which I wouldn’t worry about as a newer player.

With all that said, I’m not expecting anyone to throw their own brains out when thinking about stuff like this, just don’t start trusting your own intuition over sims. You can probably figure out on your own that aoe trinkets won’t do well in a single target sim and vice versa.

Because we are talking about Mythic+ Dungeons and not a Raid bossfight where you are always in battle and you can actually time and measure the uptime of your buffs etc.
For example Thrill Seeker sims as the best covenant ability for frost mages, but in reality the buff can pop at the end of a trash pull and actually lose all its uptime between pulls. There is another case where trash mobs dies really fast and the buff does not have enough time to build up because it decays rapidly when you’re not in combat. Any sim will just consider that you are always in combat and that the uptime of a buff is 100%.
On the other hand Deathborne is a manual CD and you can pop at a big AoE pull or save it for the boss or both depending on the situation and the dungeon you are running. And in that scenario Thrill Seeker falls far behind.
Sims wont take into account how the tank will behave. It cannot calculate when buffs like Incanter’s Flow will be at their peak etc. So in that case you actually need to trust your own experience.

I agree that you always should sim a gear piece if you are not 100% sure, but i beleive that in order for the sims to be accurate you need to actually play exactly how the sims combat log suggests. And Sims can only be accurate in a Raid scenario, simply because you are in combat all the time. And thats why all the best players trust sims (and i agree 100% on that).

On this point re sims, I sim every GV and feel it always gives a lot of weight to crit (which I completely understand the use of for raids/tyrannical), but for fortified weeks am I correct in thinking crit isn’t really much use if you are just doing the Flamestrike rotation outside of combust windows?
Should you adjust the patchwerk-recommended set for fortified weeks? If so, how would you go about doing it?

Crit doesn’t excel in flamestrike spam due to the leggo not stacking unless you crit all 5 targets at once! Buuuuuut… we could have a new bis leggo in a few weeks that will like crit.

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Apologies, having read back maybe I didn’t put enough information…

Sure as an overview Sims are great for that generic guide to what best in certain situations, however following sims blindly is not great for the reasons others have inputted. The best way to utilise them is to interpret them with the players knowledge on what the content they are playing needs.

And saying that all the best players follow sims to optimise gear. Limit Maximum has done a very interesting video on youtube regarding his opinion on sims and actually says don’t follow them blindly either, and that’s a world first raid leader.

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If your clever enough you can edit the sims to match each raid boss :grin: I am not! Good example of what your saying is sludgefist, playing firestarter lets you get in an extra combustion. I also switch to Niya (is she the one with the mastery buff) and shifting power before the charge to get the mastery buff for the pillar combusts. Also means you have maximum fbs and a hotstreak for pillars too :grin: obvs sims say neither talent/soulbind is bis

O and Sire I play pyro conduit instead of shifting power conduit because im holding combust for adds anyway.

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This might be a little bit of a disappointing answer, but I actually still sim single target for m+. This is not the “best” approach, but sims have a really hard time being accurate in m+. Each dungeon is different, the pulls you’ll do are different, the affixes change, list goes on. There’s a little too many variables for any 100% reliable solution. If you still want something, try Patchwek with 4-5 bosses, 40-60 seconds and without bloodlust (this is the “dungeon sim”, but remember, not 100% reliable in m+). I would not bother with this amount of min-maxing with fire mages in their current state.

And honestly, having multiple gear sets for every occasion is a little time-consuming and takes a lot of effort to maintain. I would not go that far until you’ve reached a point of mastery where you absolutely need to squeeze every little percentile. So ask yourself, what are your goals? Is it to do +15 dungeons in time, or go for +25’s? You could get up to +20’s pretty easily with just single target sims (your performance is mostly based around your skill anyways as a fire mage, gear is a nice secondary but not a foundation). Plus it is nearly impossible to accurately judge how much stat X you need for dungeon Y for the aforementioned reasons, and the change would be miniscule either way.

Plus, I raid. Simming single target is a nice easy solution that works very well regardless of the content you do. I mean, I pull +7k overall dps in the pug dungeons I do without the tanks playing around my combust or whatever. Hope that helps.

You’re not necessarily wrong, but for a newer player I would avoid any kind of improvisation when it comes down to gearing and such. OP clearly has a problem with too much haste, sims can fix that. Max usually talks at a pretty high level where min-maxing is necessary, I’m not really taking it that far in this instance. And honestly, you can be in the 95th (or 99th even) percentile with just doing what the sims tell you to, especially in raids.

I think the statement that you shouldn’t completely blindly trust sims is when it comes down to trinkets. I said this before, but assuming it’s a “wacky” trinket (Blizzard likes having a lot of these nowadays) where it does just a little bit more than give stats/do X damage (conditions etc), you do need to understand how it works and how realistic it is that you will be able to perform these conditions etc. And obviously aoe trinkets don’t sim well on single target (usually).

But for stat weights, I don’t really think this is the case. I mean, I don’t sim my stat weights either, I just sim the gear itself. But that is the kind of territory where you can’t just do things based on feel, since it’s pure math instead of logic (compare this situation to the trinkets, you get what I’m saying, you cannot possibly just claim that stat X is better even though sims say it’s not).


Makes sense! Ty

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