How people exploit ranking on SOM

You want to exploit ranking on SOM ?

The way to do it:

Players farm marks throughout the previous week. As soon as they have more than 20 marks, these marks go into the mailbox. Since WoW Classic these marks disappear after 24 hours. Players let them disappear during the whole week and then use the item recovery to get them back on wednesday reset

The impact of this kind of behavior

They start the week with 150’000 to 200’000 honor points ahead of all other players on the server. Afterwards, they only need to share their account with each other so that they can play 24 hours a day. Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to catch up with them.

please, fix and ban that :slight_smile:


yes saw a lot of them doing this for 200k at reset …

sharing acc for sure . i know ppl are buying ranks for real money . usually they charge 2000-3000 eu to rank them up. i knew in classic couple ppl who was doing that . and i think in here is the same story . usually selling ranks from 3rd countries where is that money 10 more what they earn in a month

I will never understand people who pay money to play the game and then they pay money to not play the game…


also they abuse or exploit mail recovery system they farm marks as much possible then wait for disappear and then recover them . wolaaa 200k honor

Yup it should have been deactivated after TBC prepatch. The only reason this exists is because of marks being lost due to too much downtime upon prepatch release and the marks timing out.

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This will be fixed in season2

The level of degeneracy of people who pay for this, I can’t even…

True mate i sgree

Azonga :slight_smile: hmmm

This exploit-bug exist since day 1 of Classic WoW.

In Classic TBC, there’s some players that used the recovery item system to get Kael Thas legendary item outside of the raids (legendary arrow for example are useable anywhere). It’s not really usefull, but it existed.

In Classic TBC, people are planning to recover their mark after the Season 3 reset in the same way Classic Vanilla player do in SOM.

In Classic TBC, people are planning to recover “Maghteridon Bags” and “Jewelcrafting Prism” to get a fresh version of theses items after Season 3, so they can get epic gems in it.

In Classic TBC, people used item restauration to get 2x Karazhan Reputation Ring (Exalted + Revered).

All theses things were public and published on Reddit.

It is heavily exploited in many area.

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