How to find premades?

Hello everyone.
If you play alot of randoms you see that premades are everywhere.
But where do they form?
No one is ever looking for that in groupfinder and there is no category for it + all the pvp Community i found ingame are dead with no one writing all day.
Greetings and sry for bad or wrong english not my native language

Guilds, teammates from bnet, communities. There is 3 or 4 communities on RU alliance thats do premades on epic BG-s and 0 on horde. Mostly its not ā€œfriendsā€ as is commonly believed, but the same interest groups. Their friendship can over when the fun to farm pugs will over, see they get roflstomped. Untill pugs que and feed them, they will exist.


Yea and that russian premade destroys the fun of x40 other random players becouse itā€™s not possible to win no matter what.


There is also a lot of others too - german or french, mix languages. Peoples react on RU coz Cirilica, at least iā€™ve seen not so rare well organized not RU so called pugs in epic BGs, they retreated even together as a group, get from pugs to build vechiles is a hard challenge. If u playing as pug - the chances u faced preamde is hight.

Other nations do it too with 30-40 people premades. You dont notice them because their names and server list with alphabet.

I know 2 communities from german servers since I play german realms.But they dont do that often like russian servers.


Yea i had the same russian premade today 2 times already, last day i got em over five times, itā€™s getting out of hand atm, horde que is quite long just to get wasted like this.

Idk i faced premades not so often in epic BGs, at leats they are much rare then casual bg 480+ BIS full corrupted tryhards premades thats deleted everything in 1 shot.


I need a guild or some friends. I finish work and think yeah sure iā€™ll jump in a random BG and try some stuff out, i get utterly buttf**ked for 5 mins with the other team being premade stomping anything that moves. My choices are stay and massage the ego of the other team who feel great about rolling over randoms, or leave and not be able to queue for 15 mins plus another 5 min queue time. Id like to have some fun, none of that is fun.


I dont know many people queueing bg solo. Even on these forumsā€¦

Iā€™m only solo after 00.30 am until morning because my community sleeps.

Ur just a guy that canā€™t lvl honor without a premade, so bad man, blizz shoud bann peps like u that just doing premade destroying guys that play fair.

Like I said on forums even I wont give names , I dont know many people queueing solo.

I know only 1-2 people so far on forums who reached 500 honor levels with solo queue.

Rest are full 5 people grp 500 honor level players. Because you get 3-4 honor levels a day with 5 ppl.

After 00.30 I start to queue solo because nobody online anymore.7

Iā€™m solo que and almost lvl 1k just get good, not that hard.

Your all posts are epic bg mate.

Epic bg honor reward is 600

Normal bg 300

You need to win 1 epic bg , I need to win 2 normal bg for both of us to get same honor reward.

Also epic bg requires no skill or effort. People afk in epic still win. While if u afked on normals you lost 100%

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Maybe u like afk epics but i donā€™t, any guy that afk in my epics gets replaced quite fast.

I never queue epic last 5 months I queued 6 epic bg only.

When you start farming your honor levels on 10v10 bgs not 40v40 we can make this arguement again. Because 40v40 is a joke.

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Because not everybody is a 30year old ā€¦ with absolutely no irl future or accomplishments, whos only source of pride is that he ā€˜ā€˜runs a communityā€™ā€™ to get carried by i480 stacks because hes too incompetent to win a bg himself.

Kriegstreibr is basically my whole point about german premades being the worst, because theyre by far the worst players (out of french/ru/germ) but legit run around in i480 avg stacks with WAY more tryhard communication that the other nation stacks.


My grp is usually 467-473 guys with rated pvp exp. We donā€™t inv with item level.

Maybe epics is joke for u becouse u just afk em, just stop getting carried in bgs and start playing.

You are getting carried because you cant 10v10 you prefer 40v40. Its absolute truth.

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Says the guy that just doing premade in normals.