How to make Alliance instant loose AV

Send Rogues + Druids rush to Stormpike to gank the turnin NPC’s to deny Alliance from getting any reputation.

Easy win, half of them will instantly AFK.

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there are easier ways; stop their rush south by keeping IB gy and taking SH, they /afk instantly.

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Yes but if they have good leader, lot of warrior and healers, it’s near to impossible to defend IB GY. Especially on AV week-end when half of both team is made of level 51-59 that are useless.

what alliance players call “good leadership” is when a guy calls for mass afk to lose fast and queue up again :ok_hand: :sweat_smile:
case in point; that other guy’s thread that i am sure you can easily find among the top threads atm.

Sure, but it’s not always the case. They won sometime. But it’s not because they really played good, it’s mostly Horde fault. So they deserve to win.

sure. there will always be examples like that, but in general if you stall the game for more than 10 minutes the alliance simply gives up because muh min/max honorfarm.

Do you play the game to win or do you play for getting honor ??

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I would play to win because the honor gear is already inferior to PvE content.

I want instant queues and then I also want to win. AB is fine I guess.

Best question I’ve seen asked! Probably a high majority of these thread posters complaining about alliance losing more then likely only care about killing drekk and actually winning 3 marks :joy: instead of killing lts/comms to maximize honor even in trashy games. It’s not all about winning guys, get your bonus honor and enjoy av :grin::ok_hand:

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