How would a war against the horde and alliance go realistically?

If we take each race of the alliance and horde, compare them, and realistically and objectively decide which of the two factions would be victorious, what would it be?

I am thinking about alliance personally, i am not that deep into the lore, but looking at the general attributes, skills, technology etc, the alliance seem to be the clear winner at first glance.

Most of the alliance races are pretty good with magic, draenei, night elves, gnomes, humans, all of these races are extremely talented with magic, and magic rules in warcraft, also, some of the alliance races are very physically strong, and they are generally more advanced.

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Alliance. Always Alliance.

The problem with the Horde is that there’s always some kind of a betrayal. Gul’Dan betrayed Doomhammer during the Second War. Vol’Jin betrayed Garrosh. Baine and Saurfang betrayed Sylvanas.

If the Horde stays united, then it could be different.


The Vindicaar alone would have a crushingly powerful effect on the war. The ship defeats Legion tech and firepower, can melt through multiple walls nearly as thick as Orgrimmar’s walls and made of a material we probably don’t have access to (think advanced alloys/metallurgy). And can teleport troops down.

As it was in the Second War, there is too much disunity in the Horde compared with the Alliance and that fact would be exploited. The average Alliance soldier has more protection in the form of full plate, shields etc. and they make extremely heavy use of ranged firepower. Hell, the dwarves and Kaldorei are their ranged specialists. Goblins can make up for the deficit…but no match for the Argus-level tech the Draenei/Lightforged bring, if they were going to go fully to war.

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but kul tiran invasions detail that lightforged tech is weak against voodoo.


If the draenei were more numerous this wouldn’t even be a discussion probably.

The more i think about this the more i’m convinced the alliance would win realistically, even humans are very strong, they make for very good mages, probably the best relative to their lifespan.

Everything is weak to voodoo :rofl: Seriously though, nothing is invincible. Lightforged don’t seem the type to make the same mistake twice though, if they’ve been fighting against the Legion for thousands of years and still coming out intact. I wouldn’t expect the same results twice with the voodoo, realistically speaking.

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and if they counter that anti-voodoo with better voodoo?

you can’t just demean voodoo and upgrade lightforged on basis of it not showing in-game.

realistically speaking, its too broad to… realistically explain. unless you’ve seen a war between stellar crystal ships and trolls waving their cursed masks somewhere in real life.


The Lightforged are realistically too OP to be a playable race, when we see ordinary NPCs capable of killing large demons by just jumping on their heads. It is an unfair matchup to send them against Azerothians. I have no doubt the trolls (esp the Zandalari) and regular blue Draenei could fight on par for a while, and then we’d be looking at whether the Draenei want to start digging out ancient weapons of war from their arsenal. And then, as you say, ''too broad to… realistically explain. unless you’ve seen a war between stellar crystal ships and trolls waving their cursed masks somewhere in real life ‘’

might be, might be not.

then again, why the hell am i arguing for or against the lightforged. i enjoy azeroth stuff more.

It was related to the topic of how the war would go. Fighting an alien army who successfully fought WoW’s biggest baddies for thousands of years…is like sending a Scout Unit against a Heavy Armour Division, imho. They can be the best scouts in the Universe, but it’ll be a one-way trip.

You can’t have realism in a world that consistently showed that population numbers, troop numbers, logistics, economics, politics, etc. only matter when it serves the plot. We have no clue about the strength of each army, because it can change from patch to patch.

If you want any realism at all, you’re in the wrong game. We can talk about character devolopment and story structure, as well as our feelings about what happened and might happen, but that’s about it.


Who cares?

You can still make an assumption based on the facts told by the story, who cares if wow lore is inconsistent with those facts.

…I don’t understand. I thought the lore is where the “facts” come from?

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i mean, of course it matters.

you asked for realistic terms, that means adding realism to every fact and detail we can find. and in wow, that isn’t at all plausible simply because of what wimbert underlined.

what did you want to really hear then, if not for realism at full?

You can go an read about the lore there are books, statements etc…

The game usually isn’t the most reliable because of balance, for example, draenei make for possibly the strongest race along with lightforged singularly, but they are low in numbers, humans are very high in numbers, most aren’t very strong but there are a few really powerful individuals etc…

the question was not about the lore, specifically.

The question was, looking at what is in the lore, looking at each race of the alliance and horde, and pitting them against each others, how would things fare, and i am pretty much convinced that the alliance would win, they are more numerous, and have the strongest races overall, so if we were realistic about it, the alliance would most probably win.

That is my point, i do not care for, but in the game this happened, what i care about is more of a logical argument, that supports one or the other.

I do not care if in the game a goblin beat a worgen in a pure strength contest, that is clearly bs if we look at their respective attributes, it would never happen realistically, it’s like a human beating a tiger in strength, it will not happen.



so you want to discuss numbers then? assets? strengths? weaknesses? what race eats for breakfast?

because even in books or statements, you wont get logic to favour either side. pick a random fact and you won’t get super accurate logic to come to a good result.

also your example is already too broad as it stands with realism:

because i can twist it like this:

what if that goblin, because they will never fight fair against someone that is obviously physically superior than they are in every way brings a mech into this strength contest?

this is just what wimbert is trying to point out. the rule of cool rules this game, not logical arguments from blizzard or from our eyes.


I was clearly talking about unaided, and if you want to go that way, it goes both ways, the gnomes could very easily make a strength enhancer, making the worgen even stronger.

So yea, it’s overall strength, but it goes both ways.

And even then even unaided the worgen would probably still win, worgens are strong af physically, if we are talking about a normal mech suit, and not like a robotic harbinger of destruction.

This is only shows the inconsistency of blizzard’s writing. Many things in BFA made just for some purpose, without regarding how same things worked in previous xpacs.


this is turning into a ‘which superhero would win?’ game now…

but my point stands. dont bring realism to a game that can finger-snap things into existence. if you just want to hear which faction will win, then good on you.

its just that argument alone wont regard realism in any way, shape or form. for both factions.

this only reinforces the same bloody point i’ve been trying to say from the start…

(note, i dont give a flying pig’s rear end which faction has. i’ll slander them all.)

When did i talk about realism?

Stop assuming things, you are the one who doesn’t understand, making an assumption about something realistically doesn’t mean realism, do you think i do not realize that magic is not realistic in the true sense of the word?

Do you know the definition of realistically?



in a way that demonstrates a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected.

Nothing about something being realistic to our world.

So stop it.

The point is that you can still make an assumption on which faction is stronger overall looking at what has been stated in the lore, even if the story is inconsistent with the facts, that does not matter.