How would your character kill the one above? #11

Quite by accident, on a pleasant sightseeing walk with Láurenn in Stormsong Valley, just as they pass the meadery, she'd spill some of her sugary drink on the elf, which just happens to be highly attractive to the massive aggressive bees in the area.
Like in an Azerothian version of a traffic safety commercial.

Zirahael would be running towards the bank in Boralus in a hurry; activating Fel Rush to get there faster...

... only for a certain, oblivious and care-free Draenei to step around the corner in front of her just as the ability is activated!
"By elune, no way i can kill demon tainted filth like that one."

very slowly backs off, hopeful to not be noticed.
...And then your back would accidentally bump into me, and my comment on the matter of "demon tainted filth" would be so scalding and venomous that you'd drop dead!
And Elyssa's comment on what the Legion would do with Darkian's handsome body chills him to the bone and his heart gives out.
(Fair, fair... He's quite uncomfortable with the idea of torture to begin with, and I bet you frozen bogeymen excel at using people's overactive imaginations against them...)

*Daha jumps from his Wolf, makes deadly swings with his axes and cuts the head of the Elf*

"Ugh, a body without blood? Disgusting creature you are..."

Daha grabs the head and smashes it against a rock.
Zirahael would commission a gnome rogue to infiltrate the Horde bureacracy.

There, papers would be modified so as to make sure Daha was sent under direct command of Lady Sylvanas in the field, protection detail.

And we all know what happens to bodyguards of important lore characters when the story wants drama...
"By dipping her in chocolate and rolling her in a pancake, nomnomnom!!!"

In the 4th day of her diet, Nakitaa has started to mildly hallucinate.
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"Continue keep her on a very strict diet until she's nothing but skin and bones. Literally. Muahahaha- *coughs* huhk! *Click sound* Aah! *Clonk* Ow... My jaw locked.

"I'm only fooling with you tough. Why would I kill a nice baker?"
Killing is wrong. Uruk would simply give Baras a hug and then run off to play fetch with his ghoul.
Merely give the big Tauren a big hug, and then one day much later down the road lament his loss due to long-term damage.
Upon realizing Elyssarain must be a giantess or something to be able to hug a Tauren to death, Zirahael would take the most logical course of action when facing an undead giant.

Employing an insufferably cheerful and life-loving gnome bard as bait to trigger Elyssarain's intrinsic undead hate for all life, Zirahael would lure the giant death knight on a chase right over a concealed fel iron trip chain; whereupon Elyssarain would promptly fall over and be impaled upon the sanctified and holy spires of Stormwind Cathedral!

The loss of an entire wing or two of the Stormwind cathedral and (hopefully) the Gnome as well would be an acceptable price for a job well done, if you were to ask Zirahael.
In an act of rather desperate self defence due to Aelwena presumably being slaughtered, Marinya overcharges a Banishment spell with all manner of half-formed additional quirks, hoping to bind the demon-elf in place.

She doesn't actually know how demon hunters work, nor how they scale on the elf to demon ratio and it's this lack of information that makes her misapply and miscalculate the experimental spell.

Zira is only partially banished. It's incredibly messy and disgusting to see.
Sadly the warlock would have to be stalked and killed off before she has the chance to perfect the spell and use it against other comrades. Darkian does it with greatest reluctance, because turning Cathedral Square into a bloody mess is just the sort of unholy forbidden prank he's probably fantasizing about when you see him strolling down the street smirking to himself.
The tauren shaman speaks to the spirits granting him strength, in sight of his ally falling. A fierce lightning bolt dazes Darkian, famous demon Hunter of the Alliance.

Conflictless transforms into a wolf and quickly charges towards the Night Elf. Reaching the demon Hunter, he imbues his weapons with fire and frost, stormstriking him and breaking his armour .

The night elf is lying helpless in the corner and tries to make a stand for it. An amazing fight lasting 5 minutes non stop breaks out, the demon Hunter a master of dodging evades every attack and the shaman quickly heals the wounds he received.

Standing against each other. One final gaze. Conflictless is calm. He's waiting.

Darkian charges with all his might! WAR STOMP! The night loses his stability and falls down. His ears ringing, his sight blurry.

"End him my wolves" shouted the shaman.

A delicious meal for his most loyal spirit dogs.

He then quickly tries to ressurect Marinya! But nothing. His powers are too drained.

"May the spirits guide you Marinya".
The warlord would take a drag of his cigar, cindering the entirety of it into a glowing hot ember.

"That was my friend."

The cigar would bounce twice against the cobblestone, sizzling as Roifa's boot crushes it beneath his foot.

He calmly approaches the tauren shaman..

A few months later

"So.. your want to open a fast-food diner that serves beef patty's made out of.."

The Goblin business-man scratches his head, working out the cost of the startup. Sitting opposite him in a slim-fit suit and slicked back hair, the warlord adds-

"Think about it. McTaurens. Nobody will figure out our 100% organic steaks are an in-house secret!"

The two laugh, and go on to make one of the best fast-food chains this side of Azeroth...
[Inevitable comments, to be skipped]

"Helpless" my backside... You must've heard of the "cornered beast" trope? The type that, devoid of hope to survive, tries to take the opponent down with them. You might've suffered quite a few scratches and nasty Fel-infused bites. Speaking of Fel, the spirit wolves would succumb to corruption after consuming the flesh so saturated with demonic essence. They'd turn rabid and wreck havoc, which would be blamed on the Shaman's temporary lapse of judgment. The elements' distaste for Fel is widely known... though not to this particular Shaman, it seems >:P

P.S. Roifa SweeneyTodd-ing his way to riches just might be the highlight of my day ^w^

P.P.S. I'm not "famous"... notorious at best. Not as much for battle prowess as for my contrarian tendencies, disrespectful witticisms and gleeful insubordination. I could be considered the Deadpool of the Illidari, though less on the naughty side and much more sophisticated.

Velaeda knocks on the kitchen door at McTaurens and enters without waiting for an answer.

"Excuse me. I'm looking for a way to improve my cooking and thought, maybe, you were looking for a kitchen aid or somet... Is that a dead Tauren?"

Velaeda looks around the kitchen and jumps to the obvious conclusion. She then lets out a heavy sigh and mutters under her breath.

"Oh well, guess crusading is never really done in this world..."

She draws her sword and storms at the surprised warlock as holy energy radiates out of her body and forms a protective barrier. Years of practice show as her blade cuts of the warlocks head in one smooth swing.
She draws her sword and storms at the surprised warlock as holy energy radiates out of her body and forms a protective barrier. Years of practice show as her blade cuts of the warlocks head in one smooth swing.

Roifa is indeed VERY surprised as one of his warlock employees loses his head.

''Yo what the !@#$?! Have you NEVER heard of Work-force diversity? You just had to go for this poor guy trying to make ends meet without really reading the situation, right?''

The Warlord let's out a somewhat resigned sigh. Years of dealing with individuals jumping to ill-prepared conclusions causes him to quietly draw a sword from a scabbard of pitch-black.

Runes suddenly ignite across the length of the cursed blade.

(Nothing like taking advantage of a typo ;)

Skip me!)