Hunter macro help

I want to make a macro on my hunter that starts the stopwatch when i place a trap so i know when 1 minute has passed(when it disappears). Can I make it count down from 1 min with a macro?

Also I’m looking for a macro to have call pet, revive pet, and mend pet in one macro. If possible.

I made this one and I’m pretty happy with it, though I expect that 15 years of people perfecting their hunter have led to something better than some idea I had when playing one as an alt in classic:

/use [@pet,nodead,exists] Mend Pet
/stopmacro [@pet,nodead,exists]
/use [@pet,dead,exists] Revive Pet
/castsequence reset=2 Call Pet, Revive Pet

It’s a bit nerdy because if your pet is dead and the pet frame is gone (you logged out or ran out of range), the game doesn’t know if it needs to be rezzed or just called upon. If your pet is dead and the frame is gone, you need to press it twice to revive it, that’s the only drawback and it’s not a big one at all (it only costs you like half a second).

All in all, the macro hasn’t disappointed me yet. I expect there’s a better one, but this one does meet the three abilities, one button criteria. And that’s without using modifiers that would essentially turn it into one button with multiple binds.

edit: I realize now that while it’s unlikely to pose a problem (it never has for me), reset=2 is probably needlessly short :stuck_out_tongue:


This is the pet management macro I use.
It’s the standard one, with some tweaks.

/cast [mod:ctrl] Revive Pet; [@pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [mod:shift] Mend Pet; [combat] Mend Pet; [mod:alt] Dismiss Pet
/cast [nomod, pet] Feed Pet
/cast [nomod,pet] 0 1

If you don’t have pet out, it will Call Pet
If pet is out, it will Feed Pet (“0 1” is the bag and slot number. Just keep your food in you backpack, in the first slot from the left)
If you’re in combat, it will Mend Pet
If you hold shift, it will Mend Pet (for healing outside of combat)
If pet is dead, it will Revive Pet.
If you hold ctrl, it will Revive Pet (in case you need to cast it in combat or pet disappears)
If you hold alt, it will Dismiss Pet.

Basically, it puts all standard pet management in one button.

Edit: Forgot the [nomod]. Without it, trying to Mend out of combat will just feed or make you start eating. :stuck_out_tongue:

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