Hunter or Druid

Hi. I want to main (focus) only to one class. Farm,m+ ,BG and raid. All medium progress m+ max +10,raid only normal and hc. And pvp random BG and arena for daily. I have all class 120 and i cant decide between Hunter and Druid ( Resto ).Any help will pe nice ^^ . If i make druid Resto main class ,when i do solo content with Boomkin spec will be harder than one hunter?Ty :grin:

I would usually say try them both and decide which you have the most fun with. But I guess you already did that.

I dont know about druids and hunter in pve but what I can say is hunter is extremely fun in BGs and outworld solo content.

For daily arenas I would also kinda recommend hunter because going with a healer in arenas, expecially in 2v2, takes too much time and irritating in my opinion. If you pick hunter and get a dps with you to do 2v2s, its basically kill them fast or die, the fight never takes too much time. You lose some you win some. For doing dailies its what I have fun doing.

Have fun! :slight_smile:

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I’ll go cat next expac. Blizzard killed surv, BM is lame with brain dead pet AI and mm…it’s meh, as stationary as a destro lock to cast those Aimed shots and it’s pure physical damage so in PvP it’s mitigated by armour , DHs just dodge them with their blade dance, cba playing it anymore…hell maybe I’ll switch in 8.3 even.

Go druid mate. Hunter as a ranged class is by all accounts dead. Unless you like playing melee. If that is the case, you really should not be playing hunter.

Killing SV is the worst thing they done in this game.

While ranged isnt great in pvp and surv is underplayed in pvp but powerul youre ubderestimating the hunter

We are very good in mythics, raids and all other areas of pvp abd unless you want to push glad very fun in pvp as well and as always great in BGs

THAT being said i am preffering my druid right now they have a lot more flavour and yes i miss ranged surv too

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more fun

I have both and constantly jump between them, I would recommend druid if you aren’t keen on waiting for groups etc. when pugging.

well if u go Vulpera u go vulpera hunter in all other cases u go druid xD

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