Hunter state blue post 22/4/2024 (EU)

Creating an EU topic regarding TWW hunter as I think Kirenaika’s questions are very important should get a dev to answer (even briefly).


  • are you happy with the state of hunter class design?
  • are you happy with talent and build diversity?
  • do you plan any hunter changes for TWW, other than the addition of the 3 mandatory hero talent trees?

Thank you.


I have asked myself these questions for a long time. I would’nt say all 3 specs need a total rework, but they need to be worked on to fit the more modern era of Wolrd of Warcraft. Most other specs have had mutiple talent tree changes, but hunter haven’t had any significant changes since DF beta.

Everything about hunter at the moment feels so uninspiring.

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There has been sooooooooooo many posts about the shortcomings of the hunter class in general and it’s 3 specs.

I play Dh as a main reroll (HL PVE lvl) and the difference between the class design/gameplay/fun is so huge it’s laughable. What hunter spell or ability even has an interesting/pretty/cool animation or particle effect? None of them.

  • Survival is, at it stands, a subpar melee spec no one asked for.
  • Beast Master is the default spec as it is the only viable one in PVE content. It’s simplicity and lack of utility is still laughed at and created an environment where regular hunters are borderline bullied.
  • Marksmanship has received so much neglect that it stands as one of the worst spec for an entire Expansion (congratulations class designer).

The only time Hunter shined dps was wise was very quickly discarded with a smacking bow nerf. (Bow that was unobtainable for some unlucky hunters)

The legendary bow on Sylvanas was weaker than a random epic dagger on the same boss.

TLDR: Blizzard has only seem to not give a single damn about this class, it’s gameplay, it’s fantasy, it’s fun factor, it’s lore, it’s history and it’s players.

Rework doesn’t cut it anymore, the class needs a complete overhaul to everything it is.

But I know by now that it will never happen because the hunter developer doesn’t PLAY the class.


Pet dependencies have to go.

With the game the way it is, there is no reason for me to rely on my pet as much as I do. Hunter seems to be the literal ONLY class hardstuck to the law like chewing gum on your shoe. It feels like this class was not meant for any sort of competitive element in the game whatsoever.

From an SV Hunters stand point why is Roar, Master’s Call, Intimidation, Spear Head, Coordinated Assault all casted by a CALL to a different object in game that has to meet certain conditions before they can execute anything. If my pet is LoS, our of range or CC’d I can’t use these, but it also double dips in retardedness that I can’t use half of them if the same is true for me. I literally cannot Intimidation if I or my pet is in any form of CC that is not ONLY a root for me.

The stupidity of the hunter class design is astounding. You will even have players championing this nonsense, saying “It is class fantasy”. No bro, keep your fantasy out in the open world for your gathering. In competitive play, it becomes downright INFURIATING how dependent you are on your pet.

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I think all of the hunter specs are reasonably well designed. Maybe except survival which has little build variety and has been struggling with its spec fantasy forever:

Is it supposed to be a trapper? A beaster master? A grenadier? A ranger? All of them?

Regarding survivals build variety, it comes mostly down to talent tuning. Personally, I would love for the undertuned lower left side of the class talent tree to be competitive, making a more pet-oriented build possible. Additionally, considering that nobody takes this talent, a buff to Deadly Duo in the survival tree would be welcome as well.

Also, the survival community has asked for this for years: Let us dual wield 1-handed weapons, please!

Regarding the hunter class as a whole, I am disappointed that we are still reliant on a small number of pet families (due to their family ability e.g. mortal wounds in PvP), making most other pet families unusable. Pets should be a cosmetic choice.

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There’s always a trade-off for your preferred way of playing.

Alternative view: play a class with a play style that works for you, given the class fantasy is not what’s keeping you around…

Bro, what you are saying is the EXACT problem with half this community. You fail to understand we double dip into the drawbacks with NO benefits. A class has root removal, and the trade off is a cd. We do not just have to contend with a CD, we have to contest with LoS, out of range, CC etc. Do you understand???

We have a stun we can’t use if our pet is cc’d , fine, the other pet classes have the same issue. But, in the same breath if we are cc’d and our pet isn’t, we still cant use our stun, while the pther pet classes can.


Or do you love being HARD, HARD, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARD countered by your beloved “cLaSs fAnTaSy”…

I haven’t even got the damn patience to deal with people like this anymore. I’m tired.

None of this has ever been a problem.

Also, can you stop being obnoxious?

You’ve gone from declaring ‘pet dependencies have to go’ to comparing the unfairness between pet classes… which is a completely different argument. If there are irreconcilable differences in how they operate when player/pet are cc, that is actually worth unpacking. I’d also broadly agree if you were pushing for SV to have a pet-free option like MM. But a sweeping whine, without nuance or compromise, is just really dull when there are twelve other classes in the mix.

By all means crack on and continue playing something you seem to resent. Your frustration really travels across time and space, so that’s at least something.

I’m not worked up by class fantasy; try another straw man.

While I can’t speak for survival I wouldn’t mind a couple of changes to give BM and MM more options when it comes to using pets.

On MM turn the Lone Wolf node into a choice node with an alternate bonus for keeping a pet out, I’d love for my Hunter’s pet to be relevant still without taking too much of a hit to my DPS.

Similar to MM but with BM this time, turn the Animal Companion talent into a choice node with an alternate bonus for keeping just a single pet.

Mate, I been playing hunter since 2007. I have played pretty much all its iterations. I am telling you the classes pet mechanics and pet dependencies are VERY outdated and need to go in general. We can have a pet, but outside of damage our pet should offer us NOTHING. Let everything else be castable by the hunter only.

I can understand why you think i’m whinning, but when you look outside of PvE this class is lost, big time.

i mean why the pets aren’t anymore important for a hunter?

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