I´m sorry to say

But pvp really is in a bad state. I really don´t have much hope for Dragonflight as long as Holinka is in charge. It is ridiculously bad design all over the place. It really is almost unbelievable. To think that this game once reached the heights of MoP or even Cata. What a farce.

Class design is legit 3/10 territory. INCOMPETENCE!


well we wont have borrowed power and pvp gear will scale.

PvP is in a bad state since SL launch. With the removal of covenant abilities, conduits and soulbind passives, it will improve at least a bit.

Not in a bad state, no. Far worse, far far worse… I played thousands of battlegrounds in the past, and i can say i had never seen it in a such horrible state. Even BFA was nice compared to that one-shooting fiesta crap…

0 balance, 0 tuning, 0 communication, it is apparently designed by braindead morons if not worse. Player base is now so small if u win a single game at 1k4, at least if u can play a game after 1hour queuing, the game after u face a full geared 2k cr team.

They have not been able to balance anything for a decade, and still they keep trying to change everything at each expansion, those idiots never learn from their mistakes. Im 100% done, how people can still play this crap


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