I asked Chatgpt for pot about refreshing Es and Ws

In the realm of battles fierce and bold,
Where PvP warriors unfold,
There lies a frustration untold,
When Earthshield and Watershield doth withhold.

Oh, the trials of a shaman’s plight,
As powers ebb and flow in the fight,
To fortify the body, protect it right,
Yet their upkeep tests patience, day and night.

With each clash, each blow and strike,
Earthshield crumbles, fragile as a kite,
Refreshing it becomes a dreaded plight,
A tiresome chore, a constant fight.

And Watershield, like a fleeting stream,
Drains away, a dwindling gleam,
An endless task, or so it seems,
To keep it full, to hold the team.

In PvP’s chaos and frenzied spree,
One longs for consistency, to be free,
From the chore of refreshing, endlessly,
To focus on tactics and strategy.

But through these struggles, strength does grow,
Adaptation becomes a shaman’s woe,
To master the art, both high and low,
To endure the frustrations that may bestow.

So, fellow shamans, let us unite,
Embrace the challenge, stand upright,
Refresh those shields with all our might,
In PvP’s realm, we shall ignite.

For in the midst of annoyance and strain,
True resilience we shall attain,
And despite the shields that wax and wane,
We’ll conquer the battles, our spirits untamed.

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