I can't catch up, guys! Go on without me!

I’m too slow and can’t catch up to Dragonflight, I’m unable to reach the purchase button for the expansion before it’s already onto the next! ;__: At least there’s Justicar’s Vengeance, right?

Long Arm of the Law: Removed.

Developer’s note: We recognize that movement is fun and feels good when attached to short cooldown buttons. That said, our goal for Retribution Paladin is to keep their strengths in removing things that hinder their mobility, or to charge into battle on their Divine Steed, not to give them a short duration burst of movement on a very short cooldown.

On a serious note: Why won’t they listen to the community about things they’ve been very vocal about since Legion?

We don’t want the Diablo 3 steed, we want Speed of Light. We don’t “charge into battle” with the steed, we use the mount for that. The Steed is purely to escape and MAYBE run back in when it’s safe.

We want Long Arm of the Law back ever since it was removed.

-I- certainly want to have Pursuit of Justice back. Just give us a 8%/15% passive movement speed node instead of the steed duration!


“But we dont want this for you” Is what i read.

And what buttons ae those exactly? The very much unevolved Freedom we had since day one? Can we get back out Root/snare removal that didnt have CD???

Can we get back 2 charges of freedom we had in the past? Freedom that could remove stuns??

More importantly, can we get anything OTHER then a speedbuff? Why do most paladins want the most boring and basic type of movment that has 0 use when slowed or rooted?

Edit: If freedom is to be OUR strenght then no other class should have a snare/root removal! Its worth is much deminnished when many other classes can do the same!


Thank you for not being silent! brother, we stand to the end and bring back the wonderful mechanics of acceleration!!


Guys you are missing blizzard’s point.They dont want us to have mobility because you know why? They introduce evokers our loyal pet dragons.Now we can either ride our loyal steed in battle or request our loyal pet dragon for an aerial drop off.

We gonna be the nuke and the evoker the airplane carrying us


I also wanted to make a post about the dev note.


This isn’t an insult to the guy but a fact:

He is incompetent for that class.

  1. There is a lack of synergy in the present holy talents - having to run into melee for holy power and then hard casting is counter-intuitive and goes against the ethos of Paladins being a “melee healer”

  2. Respectfully, it is illogical that Radiant Onslaught and Crusader’s Might are on the left side of the tree when the other melee style talents are all on the right side. This forces Holy Paladins to talent into empowering abilities that you will not use if you choose the melee playstyle.

  3. The change to Beacon of Light to 30% is unhelpful without anything in exchange, it would be nice to perhaps consider redesigning the mastery which at present iteration with the focus on the holy/light (turret healing) will be ineffective if Paladins are forced to stay in range and hard-cast.

  4. There should be some reward for using judgement actively - be it holy power generation, or a short buff to mastery/damage/healing for x seconds.

  5. Blessing of Seasons is interesting but it rekindles the controversy surrounding PW: Infusion

  6. Positioning of barrier of faith behind Glimmer, could we not simply retain shock barrier at flax value similar to the “sacred shield” of old?

  7. Divine toll without ringing clarity is weak, please could this be reviewed?

  8. Please do consider reviewing the concerns the community has regarding mobility in PVE and especially PVP, Divine Steed is truly a dreadful ability that is clunky at best, it is on the GCD and has no snare suppression which means as a Paladin you have to use 2 GCS’s to be able to use your mobility spell which is a long time in PVP

Lacking the ability of a reliable gap-closer and mobility ability is a hinderance and has been a malaise that Paladins have continued to experience, Speed of Light, Long Arm of the Law, Pursuit of Justice and Empowered Seal: Judgement of Justice were band aid fixes, but they worked.

There is no use of Paladins being considered “heavy hitters” if they can’t get from point a to point b, they are a hinderance. There needs to be a review of the current design ethos behind Paladin mobility in game.

With regards to consecration:

And I mean the following with respect, but as a paying customer who has mained a Paladin since TBC it is highly disappointing that the developers are simply choosing to ignore feedback from the customers that play Paladins. You will have to forgive my diatribe but at this point the developers seem so bankrupt in imagination and innovation that they have sunk half our tree into a static, ground drop, non interactive, aoe dot with an animation comparable to a horse having whizzed on cobble stone.

Oh how exciting and fun as everything stands still for us.

Who ever designed our trees has never played a paladin in any expansion, let alone multiple. It would be a safe bet that they just barely made it out of Exiles Reach.

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I remember when Freedom could break out stuns… that was really nice.

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And if they are going to make them that they HAVE to tune ret paladin WAY stronger than it has been.
It actually have to be a heavy hitter not just another class that does mid tier to low amounts of dps, like it has been for years and years.


Keeping justicar’s vengeance. Removing long arm of the law. Blizz dev need serious help, or we are just a joke to them?


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