I didnt think I will get bored so fast

I disagree with this. I have a friend who just made it to level 66 and said she likes DF. So what exactly do you mean by casual because there all kinds of them.

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I don’t find anything wrong with that. Some people like dungeons some like grinding open world. Different things for different people. If the best gear is locked by time gating that is no different than grinding mobs. I personally like both types as long as they are enjoyable(such example is Ka’luak time gate) and I personally like how is Sebbalian/Wrathion and Cobalt Assembly(I have so much fun with the buffs both in PvP and PvE) made. Iskaara Tuskarr is one of my favourites. If I want I can go buy all the fish from the AH and level it that way. There is no hand holding by blizzard about the activity I choose to do.

if you have no problem farming same mobs all day you are a bot and I wish I was as simple as you xD timegating is different from grinding same mobs with zero challange though. timegate can be any content, grinding mobs is the same always.

fact you admit to like grinding same mobs all day with zero challenge is telling. when season start that crap will thankfully be obsolete.
content needs to be challenging, nothing is atm. it’s just braindead like the people who enjoy doing it.

Not that I wanna come to ther defense, but not every game needs to be challening. And clearly wow have shown who it want’s to appeal to for a decade.

an mmo that tried to appeal to such a wide variety of player needs challenging content. not all of it should be challenging, but it needs some challenging content . to deny this is to be ignorant.
atm there is zero, but season start will change this. I hope

edit: you have a point they seem to be catering to the loudest (minority of) noobs and bots and rwf crowd only, but Ion claims this is not so. shrug

this season that you await is the same easy repetive crap that you otherwise bash.

pushing the same content to a maximum difficulty is false difficulty. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check.repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check.repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check.repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check. repeat. gear check.

false difficulty? I’d ask you to explain, but I doubt you could … higher mythics are objectivly difficult. some mythic rid encounters are too. gear can make it easier more forgiving but difficulty in m plus is a choice. you enjoy your faceroll content ofc . not everyone has the skill to perform in hugh end content

the threadmill have no speed limit.

that doesn’t mean it carry a challenge. the challenge is stopping before you become a hamster in blood, bone and brain.

I disagree with this. Not all content has to be difficult to be good.
GW2 is a game with the best Open World I have ever played. And the best content there is the casual one.
Also it doesn’t matter to me am I grinding M+ to 20 for portals or mobs in the open world I find both fine to do. Am I having fun with both? Yes I am.

read my reply above, not all content needs to be challenging indeed. however there needs to be challenging for people who want challenge. and few weeks after season starts there will be, but until then… seriously though, read before you reply ok

ok sure it is a challenge to tackle the toxic elitism that reign the content you put your hope on.

it’s so bad it’s even in normal dungeons, and everywhere really.

Imagine thinking dragon riding took “skill” :laughing:. It was fun, i maxed it out. Now i want to get on my normal mount and farm herbs.


you are toxic yourself against challenging content.
Just accept some ppl want challenge and wow will deliver if not a bit slowly.
I don’t see toxicity in adding challenges to the game you can still do your easy content.
or perhaps you meant asking for challenge is toxic. hmm strange

I agree the rushing in normal dungeons is out of control. But you can make your own group and inform everyone this is a chill run

like you i want challenging content.

difference is repeating the same content a million times to improve 000.1% is not challenging, just tedious.

what rng is killing you exactly tho?
for crafting you can use missives to force stats
for gear drops its always been there
profession nodes drop the crafting item they’re named after
no rngforging, cool stuff to collect, no pressure to log in and hop on a daily treadmill (actually enjoying some of the wq’s now that I know I can do them and be done for a few days, giving me time to finally enjoy the alt army I have neglected since legion).

Currently getting loremaster and I’m loving the lore honestly, the centaurs are cool, the tuskarr are nice, even tho I’m a WARcraft head I have liked the interfaction interactions (rip Aeldon Sunbrand), there’s neat toys, waygates etc.


the increase isn’t 000.1 percent the mythic plus scale alot higher in high keys. It’s only 8 dungeons though, therin lies the problem imo, but that is offtopic

correct me if i’m wrong but for instance blacksmithing recipes are all rng drops no?

to some extend yes, but there’s always been a few crafts that have dropped from dungeons in the majority of wows expacs and honestly if that’s the only thing beyond just gear drops which has always been there I’d still say its one of the lightest RNG expacs we’ve had in the last decade.
I have my own group to run dungeons with so honestly I’m not too concerned, I’ll fill them up eventually and there’s enough to do in between imo

I haven’t purchased DF yet and honestly, I’m in rush to do it. I’m literally sunk in things to do ATM.
WoW is the only game I play atm and I still don’t have the time I wish I had for it.

I still need to finish my last character a Forsaken Warrior today. He’s level 55 and I’m planning to get him to level 60. A full set of gear ranging from iLV 200 to 232 is already in his bags waiting to be equipped.

I didn’t expected Blizzard to be this generous in the Pre-patch event, when compared to SL pre-patch, so now I have 4 sets of Cloth, Leather and Mail, weapons includes, all iLV 229+, with no characters needing it (even though I have 25 Horde characters).

Since now we can send stuff to the opposite faction it’s time to put that gear to use on the Alliance side.
16 characters to level up and perhaps one more Plate character needing to be leveled up as well.

Also, I still haven’t gone through the Talent trees that I don’t use like Shadow on my Priests, Arms on my Warriors, Protection on my Paladins or even the 3 specs outside of restoration on my Druid.

My last holidays will be in February and I hope by than, to have solved my basic tasks so I can fully explore DF.

Edit: it’s 17:49 ATM and all I had time to do was browsing the AH.
The rest of the time was resting to recover from a hard week, washing clothes, putting them to dry, eating a bowl of instant noodles and now I need to go shopping to replenish my food stocks.
Yes I still need to take care of my RL character as well :unamused:
