I dislike horde faction

HERE WE GO , PUMP IT UP. We need to group up :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t dislike Alliance, I even play alts on it…

But you realize it’s the threads you guys spam the forums with day and night that makes you so disliked, right?


It’s my last concern to be disliked from hordes :joy:

Horde faction is build for Honor and glory.

Alliance more like democratic political and friendly faction.


Yes you are correct precisely.

The game just needs more Melanies


Surely! The day when patch 8.3 will be released.

ill prob be maining alliance once the mechagnomes are out, but my heart will allways belong to the horde.
the whole concept of a wow goblin just fits too well making it such a hard combo to beat.

Haha , you caught me off guard :stuck_out_tongue: , it is my main purpose to hunt alliance players who enjoy wpvp here so we can gather.

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When i saw the beer emoji your post suddenly made sense.

Look for yourself though, 95% of moan threads are written by those who main alliance. Horde seem to be more constructive overall.

I think the reason for this is Alliance appeals more to children high pitched voice “I wonnah save the wuuurrrllldddd!!11”

even higher pitched voice “horde keeep killing miiiiihhhhhhhh!”


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I guess you can see I’m new to the forums and frankly i don’t care about this moaning thing you keep mentioning. I’m sharing my personal opinion, you are welcome to share death from my sword anytime any day you want :wink:

Move to Argent Dawn and dominate in wpvp with extra bonusses :laughing:

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So you made a clickbait thread to attract players for PvP I see your game :clap::grin:.


Don’t dress this up as just sharing your opinion, you just wanna have a good ol’ moan. Swear to god, it’s like alliance are full of children and old women, and yes i’m pmsl.

Honestly the way your approaching the topic makes you a kid, I never called horde players as kid or toxic or etc, and never will but it’s a fact if you are into wpvp you’d get what am trying to say but I’m totally sure you have nothing to do with it so keep farming your thang bud, this is not for you

:disappointed: whaaaaa?

HELL YEA , cause I do catch some of them from to time and you need to enjoy the blast.

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I’m gonna do the obligatory I’m offended by this!! It’s not my fault I’m an old woman and that I play alliance :sob:


Hey I am 26 I am not a child :face_with_head_bandage:.

Sorry, i don’t mean all of you, just the authors of the moan threads! :no_mouth:

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