I don't know what this thread even is anymore

This thread and its consequences for the forums.

Truly, a menace to the trout population.

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Well, seems Boush and the others have already gone over most, so I feel as though I have only little to add.

Having dealt with some bullying of my own during my childhood years, I can sympathize with this part, even if I was fortunate enough to have friends I could rely on, aswell as being physically capable to do something about a bully if needed. So I am sorry that you went through that.

But as others have already said, when it comes to argueing on the forums, you’re very unlikely to gain anything from it. Fact of the matter is that there’s quite a few people around here who get a kick out of :poop: posting all the time, and who love getting a rise out of people. And responding to them in kind probably didn’t help your own mood either.

But, again, as others said, it’s not as though you are suddenly condemned to forever be ‘the San’layn lunatic’. I find that most people on these forums can be very forgiving and willing to let bygones be bygones, save the few who still go nuts about Vaxir a decade later.

I , having hit 30, look at some of the people I know that already shot one or two kids into the world before hitting 27…

I’m working on it man :frowning:

But yeah, tl;dr, your reputation is not eternally down the drains forever, and folks are perfectly willing to get along with you if you are willing to get along with them. And sometimes you have to recognise when it’s time to stand your ground and when arguing is pointless.


So it’s kosher so long as it doesn’t actually suck blood like a San’layn darkfallen does. Fair enough.

I take it back, you’re a terrible diplomat u.u

I was agreeing with you :frowning:

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Ooh, then in that case I take back the bit about taking back the other bit.


Also onto important questions! _
BG3. I am trying a good playthrough (3rd good playthrough, I am trying to slowly move and go to the evil one but damn the feels) but had Isobel be kidnapped. Is Rolan dead too? Because I would like to see him in the tower later on.


You’re right, thank you very much. One of the reasons our discussions weren’t prolific is the insane amount of trolling(?) and misleading. For example, I try to reply to all messages the best I can, and then the next poster says “Hey guys look! She never replies to our posts.” Or I write “I am not a San’layn, I haven’t told you who I am” and the next poster says “Look guys, she said she is a San’layn!” And you go back and forth restating the same things and addressing trolling. It is devastating and keeps the argument more heated than needed.

What do you mean by “villainous”? Again, weren’t they “Forsaken loyalists”?

Thank you for this input! I do believe there are some undead elves who are not Dark Rangers, but in the game we don’t get to see them. Which is really weird.

Thank you too! If I was worried about my reputation, I would probably just use an alt to post. But I am taking responsibility for my actions and I want to continue writing my story like this. I am also 26 and I have classmates who are already married and divorced and with kids… and meanwhile I am like “wow, life goes by so fast…”

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Hmmmm I don’t think he should be dead unless he died during the fight at the Inn or at the Grove. He may also be in the Moonlight Towers, I forgor…

Still worth checking though, I think!

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I thought they had undead members from all the Alliance of Lordaeron races. Dwarves and gnomes too.

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It got toned down a bit so the guild didn’t have to go into full recluse mode, iirc. Consequences of subpar lore, shame as the civil war arc was interesting.

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This kind of thing would be completely impermissible in normal rp circles, meta munching or blatantly not knowing what a Darkfallen is. It is the same as Alliance players going off the rails when they see a ‘BLOOD ELF IN STORMWIND’ or again for Horde a ‘HIGH ELF IN SILVERMOON’, you aren’t going to be able to tell this at just a glance.


I start scrolling from a few hours ago after I went to work, then look at the post count and realise there’s been about 300+ posts instead.

Are you all ok? :eyes:


I think you know the answer.



I ate the hobbit.



Nobody is. We live in a horrible world full of doom and gloom.

So look at this picture of my cat


Handsome and whiskerful.

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-Fades to white as the Uno Reverse Card obliterates me-

One last one to lighten the mood before I stop posting kitty pics.


Staring into the abyss and the abyss stares back.


Me, wishing I could hibernate for Winter.

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