I feel stuck, want to progress to rated bgs but won't PvE

(Yes I am a noob, but I have ambition!)

Would be nice to get to top of rated bgs, but I’d be happy just to get a start. I refuse PvE, and enemy rated bg team always seems more geared even at my nothing rating. Tbh I’ve only done a few rated bgs, feel put off because gear, though I found the rated matchmaking was awesome compared to unrated.

Gear should matter imo, but I should be able to get gear via unrated PvP that can compete in rated, which was intended to simply be a fair win rate matchmaking system. It’s not, because of current gearing system.

Getting competitive gear for rated, via unrated, can be as grindy and time consuming as Blizz want, to make it effort based. That is PvP progression. Or just use templates. Whatever, the barrier to entry to rated bgs is too high for non-PvEers. In my noob opinion.

Give me a PvP gearing bridge from unrated to rated. Pls. That way, I can do rated without having to PvE. :slight_smile:

(I’m trying to get a PvP guild going for rated bgs - it’s growing and has active members, but they are always PvEing to get gear instead of actually PvPing - BLIZZ THIS IS RIDICULOUS)


Thing is this game isn’t league of legends and just pvp it’s an rpg so part of that is building your characters through playing the game. Through all the content not just one or the other, while I agree corruptions should not be a thing in pvp and there should be a pvp vendor and gear you will always get Bis pve pieces there always has been.

Except for Templates that sucked donkey doo anyway

U mean; “only one and not the other”. Pvp is a non factor in this game.

I love choice in WoW. A choice is to focus on PvP. Some prefer competing against players than a bunch of zeros and ones. I build my character through PvP, but I hit a progression wall.

Imo the problem is dividing gear progression into unrated and rated. Instead, the same gear should be acquired from both. That way, you can gear for rated by doing unrated. That’s progression. And the barrier to entry for rated is removed.

Sure, add a PvP vendor, but make it sell same gear regardless of rated or unrated. The more currency you have, the better the gear. And just reward less currency in unrated for effort based rewardage. Simple! Much better than acquiring gear for rated by doing PvE lol.

Hehe, all my edits

Was fine and perfect in mop Bring back resilience and pvp vendors and you are right mesh rated and unrated into one

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But you can get gear via PVP only: do some random BGs, World PVP quests and you get conquest points which give you 445 gear at the start and 460 gear when you go through 10 x CP cap cycle. It takes a while, but if you don’t wanna do any Pve stuff (not even world quests?), i am afraid that’s your only option.

I’ve got the conquest gear. But seems too low for rated bgs.

I have a bad news for you then.
There was a time in wow where you could Just bg queue and then arena and progress in the pvp.
The times are far gone.
Even top players such as whaaz, drainer, pikaboo, maldiva and many more say and do pve in order to get competitive in Pvp.


Even if he gets 475 ilvl with pvp gear , without pve trinkets and item bonusses he wont do much.


Darn it!

Hello , i’m back.


Funny. Post with your priest.

I feel your pain


They should remove the conquest cap and we should be rewarded gear, that is on par with PvE. I see no cap on PvE, so why should there be a cap on PvP ?? They should seperate the two.


Because once you get 2.1k for example , you get 470 ilvl from weekly chest. If they wont make the system weekly cap. Everyone will get 2.1k and they wont queue again.System will die.

U need to do pve to do pvp Thats how all bfa was/is

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Solo queue would do the the trick

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You don’t have to PvE, you can bot for gold and then buy carries. You get loot while you’re AFK.

I won’t be doin any botting, and am too lazy to make gold. In WoW I am only motivated to PvP - wanna gear for PvP by PvPing. Not a demand, just a request.

Ideally, I’d get competitive gear from doing normal bgs - except taking longer to acquire than from doing rated bgs. Then there’d be a PvP gearing bridge between normal and rated bgs. Problem, gear rewards in rated would be devalued. But, to me rated should be about competition anyway. And if there was a PvP gearing bridge, it could work out.

Wait for shadowlands , vendors are coming back. You will gear trough pvp without mythic key or raiding

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