I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

You know. That’s a good point.

What if this is just setting up for them to ADD more? That would make this actually worth doing then.

The same way they’ve added body types for Draccos.

What is a Woman?

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Body 4 with the sith inquisitors voice is such a mood.

Elon Musk, if you’re reading this, please free Blizzard.


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Weren’t you a Dwarf?

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Ah, Same … I lost all my posting history of TL3 when I switched my name from Palivar.

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I do miss your old name :smiling_face_with_tear: but it’s nice to see you on the red team.

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Aye, I did that but I like posting on the character I play… Forum stuff should just be account wide instead of specific characters.


Exactly this isnt political

This, exactly. It is deliberate malice, unredeemed by any reason or compassionate instinct. A small, snivelling malice contrived to annoy without creating too much backlash.

Everytime an NPC refers to Gráinne as “they”, I wince. (Oddly, it doesn’t bother me on my male characters. Quirk of psychology, I guess. “World to end Tuesday: Women and minorities hardest hit.” is the old slogan. The woke totalitarian dogma now deems women the enemy.)


It seems we are nearing the final stages of preparations for Anduin’s return to leadership, but this time as queen :grin:


exactly this.

I annoyed there is only one walk style, why can’t we mince and skip around oribos.

looks like Butt-head

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in 120 years women fought for equality, not being able to vote, not being able to drive, not being able to work, suffered injustices… and now they were starting to be accepted by society and actually being proud of that… here it comes a company which say: you know what? you’re not women anymore but body type 2! enjoyyyy… byeeeeee…


Makes sense, he did let himself get captured and needed to be rescued.

It’s a macro/world problem not a Blizzard one, you are just seeing the result of it. You need to fix it at the source but let’s not go down that route else you will be called some sort of -ist -ot
“Just ignore it bro why does it affect you lolz” - That, as well as idiotic, works until it creeps more and more into your daily life, then you will soon change your tune, guaranteed.