I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

They didn’t change the lore at all. They only changed player characters by not deciding the gender for the player, but rather letting the player decide. Everything else stays the same.

Wokism for sure went too far in some areas like american universities denying asian people in the name of diversity, but you don’t need to fear everything woke irrationally, because that’s also not healthy for you. You lose your common sense, if you are extremely against or in support of a movement like this. Just use your own brain.


You know, nowadays one isn’t a true woman if isn’t(wasn’t?) a man… Quite sad, really.

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as someone that questions gender id this comment is silly… grow up

I think blizzard is just going with a flow after all it’s a company from USA
and in USA right now there are big conversations about gender equality and freedom of picking up gender that suits you :smiley: at least this is what i understood from short videos on youtube mostly jordan peterson is talking about it

I low key agree with that, but not fully. They should have used the adjectives “Feminine” and “Masculine” instead of numbers. Feminine just means, that it’s a traditionally female attribute, and it doesn’t really force an identity on someone afaik, unless someone views their body as it being representative of another gender. It’s really tough for blizzard here ngl, but maybe they could have done it like new world, without a name for male/female at all, and just pronouns


does this meen i finerly can make a female dwarf with long thick beard ?


But that’s the American way.

You see, in the US only approximately 3,5% identify as LGB with less than 0,3% as transgender according to a survey done by the William institute.

In my country, less than 3% have had a homosexual sexual experience, with less than 1% actually being it. The transgender minority is below 0,1%.

So believe it or not, most of the World population is 99% heterosexual. But why then, in particular the western world and especially the USA are they so focused on appealing to the needs of the 0,1%?

The answer is, that in the great US of A, if someone calls you a sexist, racist homophobe then that’s impossible to ignore regardless of it being true or not. Gender activism is a huge deal, especially in upper management and upper classes of society.
(Not so much in the lower circles pulling 9 to 12 hour shifts each day, strange huh)

But on the rest of the planet, people are somehow able to just shrug silly insults off and ignore the cries for attention from 0,1%.

So either join the good fight or just roll your eyes and play the game, who cares.


Wtf is u all problem about? They clearly says that gender has no meaning and people shouldn’t be focused on gender. If u focus on gender, u create society, where trans people are treated like trash, because they “dare” to be different than others. Society should be taught that there is no thing like gender. Generally I think that world would be better place, if there would be no people from right political wing. Just only leftists, who likes Marx and socialism.

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I vote for pregnant body type 1 persons.

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Jesus, who the hell cares what the hell they call it. Shouldn’t you snowflakes be out burning some books or somthing?


peak wokeness has been reached, and a new trend of backlash is startin

it has already started in the us

Yes I feel you. It’s a disaster.

If you focus on having arms you also create much problems. Let’s just chop em off, seriously why focus on arms? And what’s the different what size shape or how strong they are? Wouldn’t it be better if everyone was a flying poof of ectoplasm, just a singular celled blob of ectoplasm.

The most important part of body is brain, mate, but people often don’t use it like they forgot about having it in head. Definitely humans should be more focused on brain.

The same brain that is responsible for controlling most of our female/male hormones right? Or the brain that doesn’t distinguish between the two and can’t comply with it’s main functions? Which brain we talking about? The active or dead one?


Here’s something not considered, and that’s that Jaina Proudmoore was born three years before the First War. That’s 43 years ago. It’s nice that Blizzard represents the women in the world who decide to be childless and/or single in the real world this way. If she was part of our world she’d be too old to become a mother. I think this should be a more important concept to consider really.

These brainless threads will ever stop?


The charactedr is male, woman or other depending what the player deems fitting. Some button does not define it. In matter of fact, not being predetermined what each one is give players more freedom to be who they are and there is nothing to complain about it. If this kind of thing bother some people, then it is those people who need to do some self reflecting and evolve for todays world.

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A woman is an adult human female.