I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

It’s still binary so what’s the problem ?

I never really noticed as I have all my alts but at this rate I just laugh at these changes.

I’m all for acceptance but when acceptance means that you change to suito the narrative of others is where I draw the line, at that point its a dictatorship at best.

just leave real life out of games please its a game for a reason.


lols it is funny how peoples gets mad of this kinda things :rofl:

in new world they allows females have beards why cant female in wow have beards :stuck_out_tongue:

I doubt
Not unltill they rewrite Magni’s and other Dwarves lines, they calls every body type a “lad” or “lass”

sis and bros :stuck_out_tongue:

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M8, if brain is so limited that it has to give such big meaning to something as not important as gender alias just differences in look between body type parts, it isn’t indicator of proper brain development.

I don’t think that’s a very pog take from it all. If anything it’s a sign that these people need genuine help and not politicised poison peddled by corporate conglomerates like Microsoft-Blizzard for profit.

This is Blizzard we’re talking about mind. New body types? That’s a raid tier for you. I’d love a human male body type that’s not you know Conan the Barbarian, oh wait we have one but… they didn’t give it to us?

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Look at the bright side… At least they stopped at 1 & 2.

As most of you probsbly know there are now 72 genders, which means men are now better than a whopping 71 other genders!


terf detected?

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think you mean inferior then 71 genders just look at what the members of the male half have done this world it’s going down in flames from their raging ineptiude

Sounds like you’re being sexist which in theory is against the terms of service be carful to not get A forum ban for your own sake, Also theirs many female leaders currently in charge taking the lead with terrible choices so it goes both ways.

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Cool, so now more money will be spent on the woke people with fancy (pointless) educations that need jobs (for some reason there isn’t a huge natural demand for them snicker), you know, opposed to money going back the… gameplay itself.

That’s the driving force of all of this, money. Nothing else. That’s also the danger of this, it drains away resources to pointless changes.

the money that goes back in wow is so tiny compared to the fat paycheck bobby and company get america has some of the most over paid executives in the world

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Tbh it does actually help me with some of mine. I don’t know why but it does. Brains are odd.

To know, what censored word means u have to guess it. Guessing is more tiring for brain than just read uncensored word, so people often don’t bother to even read word with asterisks - I guess they just skip it.

I find body 1 and body 2 offensive, showing that blizzard only cares about all those leftists that can’t seem to figure out who they are. I don’t identify as body 1 or body 2, I identify as a Male, adding this to the game is just offensive to people who consider themselves male/female, showing that blizzard doesn’t acknowledge the male and female gender.

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Any arguments instead of just barking with insults? : ]

I saw it before you edited it. Also a nice insult. Would give a you an equally nice ban.

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Who cares, if it’s edited anyway? Ah, sure - some snowflakes from forum can feel triggered. She is wishing me death and u bark about banning me, lol.

I am not interested in reading through your arguments, I just saw you saying they’re insulting you while replying with a strong insult yourself. That was all.