I find Body 1 & Body 2 Upsetting

If someone insults me, I don’t see a problem to bash this person with insults as revenge even, if it’s not optimal in discussion. Just for sake of rules/being more civil I edited post, but I think my approach is fair : ]

do you also think its ok to do the same when in public when you dont like the appearence of someone :slight_smile: (not saying you do this just a question)

No, it’s not ok. Appearance shouldn’t be mocked at all. Exception is, if for example this appearance involves mocking religions of other people or promoting corrupted morality like swastika.

you know i was thinking…

what upsets me…?

i think i am that damaged these days that nothing actually surprises or upsets me anymore…

feels like a superpower.

can actually be boring at times tbh…

very hard to get entertained by things… as they just do not offer enough to get my interest… i wish i was easily pleased and naive… but alas i seen too much to fall for such fallacy now :(…

is my life ruined?? because i know and seen too much??? possibly…


there is also the added downside it makes it very hard to find people to gel with as well… as you are looking for people of the same wavelength and there is few people which see the world the same as i do .

this whole body type debate… its pointless… one day you’ll all realise that.

or not…

in which case i want to trade places and live in your shoes…

just to be so blissfully unaware must be amazing.

The imposition of your toxic anti-liberal ideology and the desire of the end the ideological diversity and/or political plurality.

Those of you who praise your false moral superiority go on asking for a world without those people who don’t think the same as you.

But you promote Marxism (karl marx, main developer of the communist theory, a cancer that killed more than 100 million people arround the world).

The imposition of your toxic anti-liberal ideology and the desire of the end the ideological diversity and/or political plurality.

I wouldn’t call anti-liberal views, which are about freedom in first place. I agree that maybe I went too far, abandoning political diversity.

Those of you who praise your false moral superiority go on asking for a world without those people who don’t think the same as you.

Yes, because world is full of egoists, who think mainly about self.

But you promote Marxism (karl marx, main developer of the communist theory, a cancer that killed more than 100 million people).

Aside of fact that communism from definition isn’t exactly socialism, socialism was introduced badly in previous times. China for example shares more social values than USA, so as u see it’s possible to be communist country and have good economy. China will probably even get ahead USA in next years.

So why don’t you move there then? It has “more social values” whatever that means, and more money according to you, so what stops you?

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China is not exactly a communist country. You just have to see the huge economic inequalities among the population and social differences.

By the way, China goes against all the “Woke Values” that you are defending in this post when people criticize the body 1 and 2, Which contradicts your desire for it to come to power.

If you say…

Is highly related

I imagine that you will give everything for the common good, even your life if necessary, while you pay every month for a video-game while other people does not reach the end of the month. :laughing:

wait a min…

this thread is now about the chinese economy??

what the???

does anyone else find these threads completely bizarre?

how you can basically say tell people the discussion here holds no merit…

yet they continue completely oblivious to it because they are on some kind of self orientated quest be the better political/economical/cultural expert?

i find it fascinating personally.

how can people become so tunnel visioned ?

imagine talking about any of those 3 subjects on a WoW forums…

crazy just to imagine it…

but it happens on the daily lol…

what world are we living in ?


Sure, man. Don’t talk about politics. Just let create thread that ur class in online game is too nerfed - time for serious, life problems. “Sorry” that I overloaded ur brain : ]

nah mate my brain can handle much more than gibberish.

Tbh I could not care less about wether we have “genders” or “body types”.

I’m quite amazed that there’s even so much to say about it, and that it is spawning so much discussions.

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As you are by setting this:

That’s the way many leftist totalitarians dictators think xD

doesnt surprise me at all… people love to hate

That’s the way many leftist totalitarians dictators think xD

It quite makes sense, because if someone doesn’t accept this system and tries to avoid it, it’s problem for system. If there are more people, who don’t share these values/don’t understand profits from socialism, it leads to disaster.

Then, So don’t be surprised that I think:

U are just selfish ignorant and passive sheep. Not everyone wants to be like u : ] Let just learn to accept this fact.

Like every socialist? xD

Being a liberal, I think for myself, I don’t have herd thinking like leftists xD

That the only thing you do is repeat the same doctrines like sheep without critical thinking.

Yeah, in this discussion ur “thinking” is shining. U are so clever that u bark that ideology related to caring about others is selfish and u don’t add any significant value to discussion by ur barking, just empty insults : ] I’m done with u.