I just survived a violent car accident

Happy to hear you and your wife are both ok. That sounds very scary, I’ve had a few ‘almost’ moments and those were scary enough. Brrr.


good lord .glad to hear everyone remained unharmed

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if you went to the gym you couldve stopped the bus with your bare hands …

i feel you… this forum matters most … if you ask me personally


My sympathies … that looks really scary and I’m so glad you both were nearly unscathed. Take your time getting over it as I imagine you’re both suffering from shock too.
Hoping you’ll be able to get a computer soon but, until then, we’re here.

(and this is not the place for smurf accounts Twiggz who isn’t Twiggz)

Glad you’re alright, and welcome back, instigator of the forums :3

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Damn, to come out of that unharmed… count your blessings mate.

I’ve had my share of accidents with vehicles myself, one where I almost bled to death after a motocrossing incident where my arm got caught in the chain of another bike. :confounded:


I guess your ban finally over then :wink:

Thank you all for the kind words.
It is pretty incredible to be unharmed after this, although my wife is currently dealing with the psychological impact of the accident. It comes back to her all the time, preventing her from sleeping correctly.

Thanks. It warms my heart to see all these familiar faces once again.
It truly is a shame I have to pay a subscription just to enjoy the company of my loved ones.

Which one? You’ll have to be more specific: https://i.imgur.com/cYwrwVY.png

That’s rough. How is your arm now?


Welcome back! Returning with a bang, huh? :kissing_heart:


Jheeze. Glad you’re alright.

Some people drive like idiots. Including bus drivers. It’s so obvious when I’m riding a bus whether it’s a good driver or not. Bad drivers just throw you around inside by braking, accelerating fast, doing sharp turns, etc. and some even get honked at. Everybody can be in the line of fire of these idiots.

Nobody deserves that.

Not even a ret paladin. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wish you a speedy recovery.

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That was lucky and op too, Im glad youre still here then and no bigger harm!

I was on one car wreck when 10 years old, sleeping through night on our drive to lapland, next I wake up on farm houses couch and they say driver had fell sleep on wheel and car bounced through ditch to roll to this farm houses field.

I got no memory of nothing than waking up in strange place and small scar on head and of the car being complete depleted like 2 hour mythic run with 40 wipes :dracthyr_hehe:

There should been drum for this pun, bada bum bada bum :smile:


What can I say, I’m a pretty interesting person.

This is apparently an unpopular opinion now that everybody’s cheering after the murder of that one insurance company’s CEO.

I remember everything that happened.
I wonder which option is best for one’s sanity.


I remember thats the same car you showed to had bought year ago. Insurances cover this I guess and main thing is that no one got hurt bad. Can always get new cars, but not limbs and such, atleast not good ones :mechanical_leg: :pray:

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Why would you drive an ORANGE car? :smiley: are you mad?

Does it make him target for lane changing busses or whats the logic lol :smiley:

Yeah it’s normal that, but it does suck while you go through it. If she feels a need to talk about it a lot, even if it seems super repetitive, just let her. Helps a ton with processing a traumatic incident.

I hope she’ll feel more like herself again in not too long.

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It’s not. The social media platforms where this is happening are deranged and are not representative if the political beliefs of the country, whether USA or Europe. Reddit’s /r/politics has taken the angle that the health insurance company he ran is bad instead of grieving his death at all. This is the sort of reason why I left Reddit’s default subs. They are insufferable.

When you see stuff like that it’s hardly surprising that a pretty normal guy, it seems, would become like this. I genuinely believe he’s been radicalized. I would investigate the places that he frequents, including social media (Reddit), his place of work (Firaxis), and circle of friends. I am all in on free speech except threats or encouraging criminal activity. That’s where I draw the line, and the line has clearly been crossed.

I think there’s a discussion to be had about the racket that’s clearly going on in the US healthcare system, but to wish death on people is always taking it too far.

There is no amount of arguments or disagreements you can have with any sane person that justifies wishing harm on you.

The only exception I’ll make is threats of physical injury or even physical attacks. At that point I consider it self-defense. But besides that, nothing.

Ngl, thats impressive.