I love classic.. but

I honestly am FICKING sick of meleemobs being able to hit me even tho im several yards away…
They are not even CLOSE to me and still, out of the blue they land hits.

I dont know how many times i’ve died from this while Aoe farming.

just rtarded imho…


no changes.

otherwise I’m sick of not having dual talents as well.


World first mage managed to aoe farm mobs. You can do it too.

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This is starting to become the mantra of some kind of delusional cult. I think the OP has a legitimate complaint, and fixing it wouldn’t break the experience. To me, what made classic superior to retail was its design and not its technical limitations.

I tried playing a troll in Classic but couldn’t do it, because the sounds of the footsteps were not synced with the animations (once I noticed this I could not un-notice it). It is much better in retail. At some point, #nochanges becomes ridiculous. For example: would it break the experience to implement the zoom feature to the inspect window that we see in retail? … trick question, that feature is already in classic, just not in the normal inspect window but rather in the auctionhouse inspect window. Probably something that was overlooked, but honestly, who gives a damn? These features were an obvious improvement with no impact on the game design that made vanilla great.


Go back to retail.


Yea it’s that fake lag stuff they introduced. Annoyig asf


How about mobs that seem to have windfury sometimes and just slap you 5 times instantly, that’s another fun one.


People are dillusional if they think classic can survive even a full year with “nochanges”. A bug like this should be fixed its not part of any unique experience it doesn’t make sense.


It’s not a bug. It’s a feature of the game. It helps with the flabby pathing and class design that ranged classes cant completely predict how much control they have.

My demand is simple. The day leeway goes is the day paladins get Crusader Strike.

I suppose the point of it is to simulate the vanilla experience. Make it as legit as possible. However, vanilla can never be truly re-experienced. 15 years ago we were all new to the game. We didn’t have all the answers like we have these days. Nor did we have 15 years of experience.

I think Classic is great. It is a more enjoyable experience than retail. That doesn’t mean I’m for #nochanges. Classic isn’t flawless. I think TBC brought a lot of good changes. I would think UI improvements, like being able to click on the quest texts on screen to open the corresponding quest in the quest logs, would be something we could all agree on being a good change.

Edit: I am against stuff like making quest items in the world sparkle, or stuff like dual speccing. Because I believe such things aren’t necessarily only positive. But making the sounds of troll footsteps syncing with the animations? Can someone argue as to why that would be a bad thing other than repeating the #nochanges mantra or saying “go play retail”?


Perfect member of the cult of the brainwashed <3


nooo changesssssssssssssssssss

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Misread your post, sorry.

Like when I Counterspell the enemy’s Fear or Polymorph, but end up a sheep or feared anyway. With CS on cooldown, of course.

#nochanges :sob:

IT IS A BUG! It fits, Every definition of a software bug on Earth!

A software bug is an error, flaw , failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

You can hit further than most AoE explosions and not to mention, You do it by Strafing for crying out loud, if you don’t strafe, it functions as it was always intended to work!


No it is not. It is an intended feature of the game, which serves to alleviate high pings.

It’s also integral to how classic plays, and accounted for in class balancing. Mages just really don’t like the fact they cant just control everything.

I’m agreeing with this completely. I’ve just made a post about Zul’farrak randomly one-shotting, this melee-range bullsh!t has happened to me daily since Dire Maul was released.

Imagine that, farming completely fine then the next day you’re randomly one shot because of lag-compensation.

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Oh no no no no. One button heroclass mages can’t reliably aoe farm 500 mobs. How dare you Blizzard.


its for the 2004 veterans who are now 50y old so they also can react to stuff


I’ll probably open a secret to everyone who advocates changes in Classic: people who wanted Classic in the first place know how bad Vanilla was in certain aspects back in the day, they remember what a clusterfk it was at launch, they remember imbalance, bugs and lack of quality of life.

But guess what: people want the clusterfk. It’s an integral part of the experience. There is a sharp contrast within the game between outright horrible things in it and amazing ones, that’s how I see it at least.

TL;DR: #nochanges.

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