If you want to stop raider io

Says the man with the level 95 neck … :thinking:


So you’d invte someone to a +20 Waycrest run with a 150 rio score, because all they’ve ever run is Waycrest and the system will only ever point you per dungeon, not per run, unless you improve time/key on subsequent runs?

You’re a liar. You’d invite someone else with 2.5k+ and you wouldn’t care a jot where they got those points from. As for butthurt, you’re the one that started calling people, “child”. People in glass houses…

I never said I wasn’t one too. By definition, writing on this forum, we’re all neckbeards :slight_smile:

Oh god, you’re so triggered over a computer game, leave your basement, take a walk, embrace the sun…

There is no single person in this world doing ONLY waycrests so your example is pure fantasy. I’ve said I look at highest level of specific dungeon.


That’s not the definition of a neckbeard. You probably ought to google that word. Just to start with, neckbeard does not mean “person who cares about things”, or “person who discusses things about their hobby”. While you’re at it, please also google the term “by definition”, you’re using that incorrectly as well.

You are responsible for knowing the meaning of the words that you use. Don’t just invent new meanings in your head and expect people to get it. We’ll just go by the commonly accepted definition that the rest of the world besides you uses.

That is why you’re not getting anywhere. No one’s going to take you seriously if you just randomly throw unrelated insults around. It’s like calling people idiots and then saying “no no you can’t be mad about that, in my head idiot means kind”.


If I’m inviting somebody to a 20+ i go to their profile. If all he does are timed waycrests and he is playing the class I want i see no reason not to invite him. For high keys I look at his dungeon expirence, not overall and so do most people pushing higher keys. Keep in mind 90% of the time there are better options tho. I think most of the people i do keys with would share this idea.


turn off the setting **“share my game data with community developers”

Hey thx for the tip, dude. Never used any garbage rating site anyways. The only usefull one is wowlogs, anyways.

Wrong. I run specific dungeons for specific loot. At, or approaching 470+ ilvl, there’s very little to be had in the way of useful upgrades, short of maxing out your ran key/s to guarantee 475 in the weekly gamblebox. Especially now that specific corruptions are on a vendor. I ran KR many times trying to get a higher ilvl Get’Ikku.

Try move out of your little rio bubble and you’ll find a lot of players that couldn’t care less about the majority of dungeons, because they aren’t rio addicts desperately chasing another +10 points to add to their rio epeen neckbeard bragging rights.

What a condescending and pointless post that contributed nothing, just like your previous one.
Just because someone disagrees with you wildly flailing and shouting insults at people, doesn’t mean it “hits close to home” or that they fit in some specific “sort” you heard about on youtube.

None of what you say makes any sense, it’s just the same regurgitated assumptions thrown at anyone that disagrees with you. Either people have to agree with you or they eat soy? That doesn’t really mean anything, it’s just word salad that you vomit out of your mouth. If someone disagrees with you they must be taking everything too seriously? That smells like fear of disagreements to me.

I’m not offended, and you don’t have the right to decide what I’m feeling for me. I simply think you’re derailing your own discussion by resorting to name-calling and random words used wrong on purpose in an attempt to get more attention.

By the way, I’m allergic to soy. Dietary habits have nothing to do with opinions - that’s insane. 4chan and reddit lingo doesn’t mean anything in real life, it’s all just an attempt to silence differing opinions because you’re so uncomfortable whenever you step out of your echo chamber.


The only folks living in echo chambers are lefties and their ilk, you know, the ones that use words like “triggered” and “toxic” and get upset over mean words said by mean people on the Interweb and ahave to write a wall o’ text in rebuttal.

If, by and large, someone engaging in a specific activity fits a certain stereotype (most do, fact of life - deal with it) then don’t be surprised if they get…drumroll…stereotyped!

Now, I don’t know you, I couldn’t care less about your or your opinions, so feel free to write another monologue, if it makes you feel better. You can always take the other route employed by your brethren - Cancel Culture - and report my posts. That’s usually the way it works here and elsewhere. You know, so certain people of certain ideologies can enjoy their echo chambers, where’s there’s no-one hurting their fee fee’s and the only opinions are the “right” ones.

Throwing left and right insults has nothing to do with opinions. And yes then you get reported.


To borrow the parlance, “triggered”. Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Have a nice day to you too :+1:

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Oh Sioc, I don’t know what to say. It really feels like I’m dealing with a troll, I’m sorry.
I… didn’t say triggered anywhere… neither did anyone else but you. o.O
You just sound so angry and are so full of vitriol, even though the replies you get are very level-headed and contain no upset language at all. You’ve even decided anything people do or say automatically works in your favour somehow.
If you troll, and people flag it, all it proves is that most people considered your post trolling. It doesn’t mean anything beyond that. But you’re just that type that decides if anyone disagrees with you it proves you’re right, and if anyone flags your insults as insults, it somehow again means you’re right.
It just means you’re breaking forum code of conduct, which is in place to facilitate civil discussion. I have been civil, you haven’t. If you give people inflammatory nonsense, you forfeit the right to complain when it gets flagged.
Just take responsibility for your actions in stead of leaning on some youtuber out there somewhere, or on more insults and buzzwords no one used but you. Your opinions are strong enough to stand on their own without all this flaming foam around them, and I wish you saw that too.

I don’t want anyone to get flagged, discussion is healthy, but the way you discuss is more like screaming bizarre unrelated insults at passers-by on a street. It just makes no sense to me - why not just talk normally. :woman_shrugging:
Anyway, if you’re done you’re done, that’s fine too. At least you wish people a nice day, that’s cool. You have a nice day too!



The points are the same because your argument does not make any sense. There is no difference between looking at the armory or looking at raider io. One is just far more convenient and actually gives far more information.

If someone hovers over me in game they see this:-

If I apply to a group it will show relevant information to that specific dungeon as well.

When someone applies to my group I can see what the highest key is they’ve run in that dungeon. I can also see their overal score, how many 15s (or appropriate bracket) they’ve timed. The armory doesn’t do any of that and would actually exclude you more than raider io does. The leader gets to choose who they take, you don’t have any right to demand an invite.

Because I am willing to patiently and politely answer questions. I do not resort to petty insults or put downs just because someone doesn’t understand how something works.


I’ll re-iterate, just to be a masochist, that may well be what YOU do, but it is NOT what the majority of rio users listing groups in the lfg tool practise. You are just a number and if that number does not meet approval, you are unceremoniously discarded as worthless.

While I admire your mistaken vision of the rio utopia you seem convinced exists, the harsh reality is that it is bane on the WoW community. It actively encourages the alienation of vast swathes of capable players, in favour of enabling a statistical minority of elitist players to be big fish in a small pond.

As for petty insults and put downs, pettiness is subjective and when you’re bashing your head against the brick wall that is the attitude and philosophy of the rio gatekeepers, it tends to bring out the worst in people.

it doesn’t matter what you, or any of the other 3-5k scored epeeners think, the overwhelming majority of the playerbase thinks this addon is cancer and that the use of 3rd party tools should not have so much sway over who gets to do what and when in WoW. It’s certainly not what I pay a subscription for.


If Raider io was removed and we had to solely rely on the armory you would be in an even worse position than you are now. You would be ‘unceremoniously discarded as worthless’ because you only ran one key over and over. Unlike raider io which would show you had done a multitude of runs.

I don’t have a mistaken anything, the choice is there to build up a score just like the choice is there to complete your armory and have more than one dungeon run. Rio is an invaluable tool in a time when ilvl means nothing. I don’t want my key ruined by someone who has no idea what to do or is looking for a carry, neither does anyone else. I want my key to succeed and give me a higher key to run.

I play twice a week with a regular team and I help guildies and friends out with their keys where we do have to involve pugs or apply to pug keys.

I think it’s a shame that some wish to blame and addon that is nothing more than a reflection of what you have done in the game, just like the armory is. If you care about score you can build it up, if you don’t care about score and want to only do one key over and over then that is your choice but neither the armory or raider io will reflect well on you.

I am not going to answer about your made up stats. We can all do those :wink:



Also, you forgot calling us neckbeards.

Then please unsub, at least you will give Blizzard something to celebrate.


I didn’t like Raider Io at first because I didn’t get invited to high M+ eventhough I had decent gear.
I installed the app and started runing low keys. My score increased slowly but surely and now people invite me more often.

Doing M+ with pugs is risky, because there are a lot of people that don’t know what to do. I recently started healing and I invited everyone, first came, first served, but I saw that people without Raider Io performed very poorly, didin’t use defensives, didin’t dodge mechanics, etc.
After running some mythics like that I said no more, and now I don’t invite people that don’t have the addon. This is now my filter.

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